Page 28 of The Taste
The man merely smiled, keeping his lips sealed.
“Fucker, were you sent to kill her? Why? Why Sophie?”
The man gazed at the ceiling, amused.
“You’re Demonios, right?” Jared stepped forward now.
The man smirked.
“Hey, shit face, we are talking to you.” Jared cuffed him around the head, knocking him over. He merely rolled into a comfier position.
“This isn’t going to work,” Jared muttered under his breath to Colt. “We’ll need to go harder to get him to talk, the guy’s obviously been trained.”
Colt stroked his chin. “We should rough him up a bit, not full-on torture but, you know, make him sweat a bit… let’s each have a turn.”
Ash scoffs, “Rafe, when it’s your turn, are you going to make him watch your new dance routine?”
Rafe grinned back and jabbed Ash in the ribs. “Ash, are you going to bore him with all your tales of all your sexploits? He’ll die of old age before you finish.”
Ash started to retort.
Colt turned to Phantom. “Did you ask Sophie about it?” Colt asked, under the banter between the other brothers.
Phantom’s gaze flicked to him, then he did a slight eye roll. No, of course he didn’t ask Sophie about it. He didn’t ask anyone about anything.
“That might be a good place to start. I’ll go tomorrow.” Colt did an eye roll of his own. He rarely showed impatience with Phantom. But sometimes, Phantom knew Colt’s temper was pushed by his silence. He knew it, but could do nothing about it. He frowned. He didn’t want to put the MC in an awkward position, he didn’t want to annoy Colt, after everything he had done for Phantom. “I want eyes on Sophie at all times, a man watching, to see if any other Demonios fuckers come a-knocking again. Ash, draw up a rota, we all take shifts.”
As Phantom stared at the Demonios member, he felt the overwhelming desire to rip, to tear. He wanted his blood. It was familiar to him, this blood lust. He felt it every time he saw that Virgin Mary crying. He wanted to wipe all the Demonios off the face of the earth. He wanted revenge. He wanted them to hurt as he had hurt. And he’d done well so far. He thought he’d nearly gotten them all. All the ones in California at any rate. He continued to stare at the man in front of him. He didn’t recognize him, and so far the man had shown no signs of recognizing Phantom. The Demonios had other territories, maybe he was from Mexico, or Texas? Phantom’s vendetta hadn’t expanded to those territories. He had just wanted the SoCal group wiped off the face of the earth for what they did.
“We should try to loosen his tongue a bit here, too. Always good to get two sides of the story,” Ash said.
Colt sighed. Phantom could tell this was making him uneasy.
Phantom stepped forward and pounded a fist to his chest. He could do it, he’d be more than happy to get stuck with this Demonios member, and find out why the fuck he was trying to murder Sophie. Fuck, he wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself if something had happened. He liked her, more than liked her. He wanted her. He was consumed by her.
“No buddy, no offense but I have a feeling if we left him and you in a room together, we’d come back to a dead Demonios and a room painted in blood.” Colt shook his head.
Phantom stepped back. Colt was right.
“We need to get rid of his car, though. Find it and total it, Phantom. Any other takers on loosening this fucker’s tongue? Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?” Colt asked the group.
Jared looked back blankly.
Lyle sighed deeply. He’d been quiet the whole time, looking on at the Demonios member like a thunder cloud rolling in to rain on his parade. He pinched the bridge of his nose and screwed up his eyes. Then opened them. Black, empty eyes stared back at Phantom. The MC brothers all thought Phantom was the scariest, the most damaged. The one you didn’t want to bump into alone on a moonless, stormy night. Phantom knew it wasn’t so. Lyle was worse. Phantom heard his screams in the night, he recognized the pain within.
“Yeah. I can do it,” Lyle said quietly.
Jared blinked. He was former military, posted in Afghanistan, then Iraq. Lyle had never opened up about his past but it had been a safe bet that Lyle was ex-military, too.
“You get involved in that kinda shit over in the Gulf?” Jared asked.
Lyle took another deep breath, “I… something like that.” Lyle shivered like an icy blast swept through him. Like someone had stepped on his grave.
Everyone was silent. Everyone knew what that meant. It had all come out of course, everyone knew it, the US government had gotten involved in methods of persuasion it shouldn’t have ventured into. By the looks of things, Lyle had been one of those men to do it.
Phantom now glimpsed why he screamed in the night. Why he’d turned to alcohol to forget.
“Lyle, that isn’t you anymore.” Colt must have been able to see the pain in Lyle’s eyes. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” He put a hand on Lyle’s shoulder.