Page 35 of The Taste
Rafferty sighed. “My wife… wants to divorce me, I thought if I kept a low profile, she’d cool down a bit…”
Rafferty had four sets of unimpressed eyes on him. Sophie raised an eyebrow.
“ I’ve been hiding out here for a few weeks, getting my… finances in order…”
“Nice. Real nice,” Lyle said sarcastically.
At that moment, the bell tinkled again and someone else came into the shop. Stormed in, bringing a whirlwind of angry energy with her.
“You. Fucking. Bastard,” The woman raged. All men braced themselves. Sophie gripped the counter. The woman flew at Rafferty, pushing him with two neatly manicured hands to his chest. He gasped, slightly winded, completely caught off guard.
“Just sign the papers, Pete. Sign the fucking papers,” she shrieked. She was blonde, well made up, wearing some expensive white trousers, a black silk shirt, heels, and a royal blue blazer. She looked expensive. “I’ve emailed you, I’ve called, I’ve visited your office five times now! You’re never available!”
“Penny, listen-”
“No, Pete, I’m done with listening to your excuses, this is happening, we are getting divorced. Just sign the papers!” She crushed a brown letter sized envelope against his chest. He had no choice but to catch it.
“Well, not your day, huh?” Colt smirked.
“Just got your ass handed to you,” Ash interjected.
“Look, fuck off, this is a personal, family matter -”
The blonde woman, Penny, didn’t seem to care that a bunch of bikers were there, looking on amused. “Family… ha! Don’t make me laugh, Pete, I’m literally at my wits’ end with this...”
Now Sophie looked closer and saw it, too, her eyes were red from crying. Her made up face, streaked with faint tear tracks. Blue circles under her eyes.
“Penny, I’ve told you, I’m doing all this for you-”
“Working all the time, out all the time?”
“Christ’s sake, I bought you the penthouse apartment in Town Square-” They all raised their eyebrows at this, that was the most exclusive address in town.
“Yeah, all the floor to ceiling glass leaves it impossible to heat! I’m sitting there every night freezing my ass off, lonely-”
Sophie felt her throat lock up. This is what her family thought of her. That she was putting profit over happiness. She was not on the same scale as this Rafferty character, but was she any different? She didn’t want to push people away.
“It’s about having kids, isn’t it? I told you, when we have more disposable income-”
“No, it’s always when we have... when we have more money... first it was when you got the pharmacy... then that happened but then it was when you’d bought the Florida duplex... then when you started the franchise-”
“Well, some of us have actual work to do, Penny, we can’t all fuck around with crystal healing shit-”
“It’s Reiki-”
“Some of us have to earn a living.”
“But I’m not living, Pete, that’s exactly it! When were we last intimate? When did we last enjoy each other’s company? This isn’t the life I’d pictured living,” she finished quietly.
“Oh, sex, that’s what it always comes down to, doesn’t it? You need to get help, Penny, you’re a fucking addict, I swear, always bleating on about how we never have enough sex-”
Everyone looked from Penny to Peter Rafferty.
“But we don’t-” Penny wailed.
“I’ve seen you, with your dildos, did you ever stop to think? No, you were too much of a whore. I have security cameras in the house, you know that, and I watch the feed. I’ve seen you, those giant pink things, bouncing on your knees, shoving it in your cunt, up your ass-”