Page 93 of The Taste
They weren’t alone in the darkness. There were people standing on either side of the aisle that she walked down, lit by candles and marked out by scattered rose petals and hay.As she walked forward, he heard people gasp and whisper quietly. She held her head high and smiled.
Yeah, she looked fucking beautiful.
Her dress caught the light. It was a white floor length, covered in little pearlescent beads. It was backless, and plunged right down to just above her butt crack. Carmelo gulped and averted his gaze. It was sleeveless and hugged her slender figure without a fraction of an inch to spare.
He was getting broody. Fuck. He wanted a girl to walk down the aisle like that. Not now, but one day. He wanted a woman to look at him the way Sophie was looking at Phantom. The thought of full blown marriage, no way was he ready for that, he was having too much fun, fucking around with whoever he wanted. He heard the voice of his father in his head, telling him he had to think about starting to date. Taking it seriously, he wasn’t getting any younger. Carmelo wanted what Colt and April had. What Sophie and Phantom would now have. He always assumed he’d get married, have a family… but he was happy with his life as it was for now. He’d had vanilla sex all his life until recently and it was… fine. But what he could have now, at the MC… fuck. It was the stuff of dreams. It was what made life worth living. Beautiful women, multiple women. Knowing you were driving one wild, while the other watched, wanting, jealous, then swapping. Pleasing them all, worshiping their beautiful bodies. His hands on multiple boobs, pussies, the wetness, their little sighs as he took them closer and closer… And what they could do for him, too. Things that one woman simply couldn’t do with one pair of hands. Fuuuck. His trousers were bulging. Thank fuck it was dark. He cleared his throat and tried to clear his mind and focus on the front. One day maybe he’d find a woman kinky enough for his taste, but right now, he didn’t need to choose one.
Carmelo watched on as Sophie got to the front. A wall of flowers marked the makeshift altar, surrounded by an arch, tree branches covered in flowers, lit by fairy lights and candles. It was beautiful. It was stunning. It felt nothing like the car park underneath the MC clubhouse, and yet it felt like home.
He’d been invited, actually. Colt and April had dropped off the invitation, and Carmelo had held the thick, cream colored paper in his hands and hesitated. Would he, a local police sergeant, be welcome at the wedding of one of the Black Coyotes MC members? He shouldn’t be. Police and MCs didn’t usually mix. But Colt, the MC Prez, had insisted he was invited. It was only right, he said, because Carmelo had been the one to save Phantom from the start. Phantom and Sophie had easily agreed. Carmelo’s father and older brother had scoffed at him, socializing with the MC. But they laughed at his whole life, anyway. They were constantly putting down his achievements in the police department. They knew he hung out with the MC, thank fuck they didn’t know half of what happened when Carmelo paid a visit to the former Creekdale Hotel. Yeah, that wasn’t for family viewing. Carmelo was able to cut loose when he partied at the MC in a way he’d never been able to before. Explore his predilections, without worry about being judged. Apart from the usual insult of ‘pig’, which was becoming almost a nickname for him rather than an abusive remark, he was left unbothered at the MC. Unimpeded to behave however the fuck he wanted, with willing and oh so able companions. His dad and his brother and talks of family loyalty and encouraging him to chuck it all in and come and work at the pizza restaurant they owned fell on deaf ears.
Carmelo could see Sophie was happy. Fuck, she was beaming. She closed her eyes, took a breath, and opened them.
The Darkness stood in front of her and it smiled. A wide, genuine smile.
Phantom stepped out of the shadow of the archway and stood in front of her. They faced each other. The rest of the MC brothers and friends stood in front, each person holding a candle. He heard the ladies whispering.
“That dress! Stunning!”
“Oh my God, she looks beautiful.”
He heard the guys murmuring, too. “Phantom’s a lucky fucker.”
He heard baby Chase cooing softly, and April’s calm voice soothing him.
Carmelo watched on as she gazed at the man in front of her. Carmelo looked, too, as Phantom had stepped out of the shadows now. In a black tux, complete with bow tie. He was wearing his leather cut like a vest, underneath the suit jacket. It all looked like some sort of dystopian Vogue magazine photoshoot. His hair was down and fell over his shoulders. His eyes were skimming her up and down, widening with each pass. She reached for his hands with hers, and clasped them.
The Darkness did not perspire a bead of sweat, did not cry a tear, did not even frown. His breath did not stutter in his chest. He was The Darkness, he was death itself. But he was not a monster, he was a man.
A man about to marry a woman.
Carmelo could see himself doing that, in years to come. With someone curvier. Sophie was a little whippet, he wanted handfuls of soft flesh. Thick thighs that rubbed together when she sashayed over to him, boobs that over spilled his hands… he felt his cock twitch again. Fuck. He cleared his throat. Someone who could take his shit and raise him. Someone whose shit he could take right back.
Someone else stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a suit, too. A young teenager, Carmelo would put money on it being Sophie’s little brother, Max. He grinned widely at Sophie and Phantom, and then turned to face the congregation.
There was the little noise of clicking nearby, rubber wheels on the concrete. Carmelo looked down and there was Shadow, the resident MC cat, wheeling himself along with all the poise and dignity of a king. His missing back legs not cramping his style at all, the little wheelchair contraption he sat in like a noble chariot under him. Carmelo smiled, and let out a small chuckle when he saw that Shadow had two rings tied to his collar in a pretty little bow.
“A gift from the MC,” Max declared, bending to untie the rings. Sophie let out a giggle of surprised delight as she looked down at Shadow bearing the rings.
“Because every wedding needs rings,” Max added.
A collective coo of delight rippled through the congregation.
“Dearly beloved,” Max spoke out in a clear, confident voice, louder than usual so it carried to the people gathered around. He was officiating the ceremony, a sweet touch, Carmelo thought.
* * *
Sophie offered her palm up.Max took the knife, and, with a quick glance at Sophie, he brought it over the fleshy part of her hand, creating a neat but long line that immediately pooled with blood. The blade was sharp, but Sophie didn’t flinch, she didn’t even blink. He did the same with Phantom’s palm.
Then, Max held their bleeding hands up, and with one of his hands on each of their wrists, he pressed their bleeding palms together. Phantom clasped her hand, hard, and their palms met. Carmelo stared at their conjoined hands as blood started to trickle down her wrist. A runaway droplet at first. Then another, and another. He wasn’t sure if it was hers, or his, or both of theirs. It was red, even in this low light, he could see it was very red.
This was an unconventional ceremony for an unconventional couple. The mute assassin, and the bubbly little cafe owner. Who would have thought? Polar opposites, and yet, they perfectly balanced each other out. Carmelo wanted to find the yin to his yang, but was he ready to commit like this? For better or worse? For forever? It made his neck itch. He wasn’t ready.
He heard a few intakes of breath and mutters from those gathered around them. Her parents weren’t in attendance, the mother had had a stroke, she was in the hospital, stable, apparently, but still ill.
And then Max pulled out a thin rope. There were yards of it. He took Phantom and Sophie's hands, both of them, the bleeding ones clasped already and the other ones. He placed Sophie’s other hand on top of their joined, bleeding hands.
“To protect,” he said quietly.