Page 2 of Tattooed Sweetness
The rage rushes through my veins like lava. Fortunately for Bella, the clanging of the store doorbell soothes the burn. I pinch the bridge of my nose several times to get rid of the remaining tension before grabbing my cell phone.
I reach customer No. 1 by voice mail. The second customer is answering within minutes, almost relieved to get my message. He’d wanted to cancel but he didn’t want to lose the deposit.
Done! Gosh, couldn’t she have handled that?I shut down the computer and turn off the desk lamp. Everything is up to me. Everything.
As dusk falls, semi-darkness swallows the store. Even without the lights on, I find my way to the staff rooms in the back. I wash my hands, cool my pulse under the ice-cold water, and finally drink in greedy gulps directly from the tap.
It’s pitch black in here. Only the streetlamp outside paints a distorted square of light on the laminate floor, which also urgently needs to be renewed.
Oh shit! The tattoo compartment! It hasn’t been cleaned yet!
I turn back on my heels and prepare a bucket of disinfectant solution and water in the kitchen. Back in the tattoo compartment, I mop every square inch of the tiled walls and floor.
The monotonous chore helps me to fully conquer the angry demon Bella had spawned inside me. As I watch the wiping water gurgle down the drain in the kitchen, I almost can’t explain what made me so angry. That’s just the way she is; I should know by now how she works.
With a well-aimed throw, I chuck the rag into a bin for contaminated laundry, cross the parlor, and, after a last-second check, head out into the street.
As I lock the door, Bella emerges from the shadows of the wall across the street against which she was leaning, waiting for me. She flicks her half-smoked butt into the gutter and crosses the street in three long strides, leaving the cloud of smoke behind her. “Ready?” she asks, not even going into details about what happened. She knows me too well for that.
“Mhm,” I mutter, pointing with a nod to the improvised parking spaces in the empty lot next door, and fumble at the waistband for the keys to the pickup. “Do we need to do any shopping?”
“How about pizza?” She’s already holding her cell phone in her fingers, and I surrender.
“Fine with me.” Slowly, I let the Dodge roll off the gravel and onto the asphalt and turn right.
Daaaaam, Da-daam, Daaam-daam…Somber wailing electric bass chords accompanied by the drift of percussion drill into my ear. The bass-emphasized distorted voice of the female singer sets in, chasing away any remaining sleepiness.
Bella, next to me, grunts out her displeasure withCerebral Bore, and I grope for my cell phone to stop the second round of alarms fromThe Bald Cadaver.
In the process, I toss a good half of her shit off her nightstand. “Fucking hell!” God, she’s so messy! Can’t she straighten up for once? I want to jump up and throw the mess through the window. But the annoyance fades as quickly as it came as warm fingers crawl their way under the waistband of my boxers.
“Good morning,” Bella coos, diving under the sheets.
“No,” I object. “Not now, you know I have to…”
Jolly Jumper, on the other hand, is happy. My dick, which owes its nickname to the horse of a famous cartoon character, pops right up and wants to be freed from his fabric prison.
She squeezes harder, making me groan.
Only peripherally do I notice how she swings herself on top of me, taking Jolly Jumper into the cozy hollow of her stable.
Fuck! Why can I never say no to her penchant for make-up sex?My hands grab her broad hips, forcing my pace on Bella:Andante—Adagio—Allegro—Andante—Largo—Presto.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I feel beamed back to the piano lessons of my elementary school days. Only the image of the disgruntled face of the gray-haired music teacher in front of my eyes prevents me from coming too soon.
I grip Bella tighter, and urge her on with a gentle pinch of her ass, not letting up. First fast, then slower. The constant change of pace drives me up the steep hairpin bends of desire. Higher and higher. I squint my eyes, and then…
“Argh,” I groan. “Oh-oh-ohh. Argh.”
After Bella climbs off me, I lie there, stunned. But only a split second later, I leap up like a jackknife. “Damnit!” I lean out of the bed, fishing for my cell phone. “What time is it?”
7:37glows at me from the display.
“Oh my fucking God!”The appointment at the Chamber of Commerce and Industries in Mosbach[1]is at eight o’clock! How am I going to make that?
“Oh my goodness. Don’t get upset, Philly!”
Why is she standing in my way right now?I shove her aside, ramming the door jamb into my shoulder as I take the turn into the bathroom.Fuck, what a mess! No way I have time to take a shower!First, I peel off my boxers, then I dump on an extra-large load of deodorant spray. Or at least, I try to. I lift my left arm and hold the can in front of my armpit, and…