Page 44 of Tattooed Sweetness
“What?” Pauline has come over to me. Irritated, I realize I’ve spoken my thoughts aloud. “And who?”
The icy coldness emanating from her must trigger brain fog in my head. Because there’s no other way I can explain why my mouth is moving and spouting terribly embarrassing syllables. “Celine. Pregnant.”
“Celine and pregnant?” repeats Pauline, laughing. “No way. I’d know. Unless the second edition of Immaculate Conception has been invented by now, it can’t be possible.”
No? Damnit, why does a comforting spark of hope glow in my shock-frozen innards?
“Celine’s Kevin is the consummate non-starter in bed,” Pauline informs me of things I don’t want to know.
At the same time… I soak them up like a camel with the contents of a water bucket after crossing the Gobi Desert.
“Confidentially…” She leans over to me conspiratorially and lowers her voice. “I don’t know how many times I’ve advised her to break up with him. But if Celine has her mind set on something…” Pauline sighs.
I laugh, thinking of how she talked me out of Diagon-Alley. “There’s not much you can do about that…”
“You said it.” Pauline hands me a coffee she has casually drawn from a fully automatic machine. “But now back to you: What can I help you with…?”
14. To Set aFall Boyto Keep the Geese
“…hair salon, tire service, e-bike rental…” Mr. Bretschneider must be in an emotional fit of generosity. Because he tops off his rattled list of my successfully-completed business plan consultations with an appreciative look. “You work through your tasks promptly, effectively, and with high impact. Just what I needed for our branch office…”
Sitting in the visitor’s chair in front of his large desk, I grow at least an inch and a half in pride. “Thank you very much for your commendation—”
“Don’t talk such nonsense, Ms. Lechner!” he interrupts me gruffly. But the fine network of laugh lines around his eyes, which I hadn’t ever noticed before, reveal his teasing. “If you don’t mind, we’d like to end your probationary period prematurely.” He slides a stack of printed paper over to me. “Read through the contract at your leisure. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce and Industries waives the six-month waiting period in the amended employment contract. So you would be immediately protected from being terminated for operational reasons.”
I’m somehow at a loss for words, and Mr. Bretschneider smiles indulgently at me.
“As you can see, we would really love to welcome you to our team on a permanent basis.”
“Oh my God!” slips out of my mouth for the millionth time. “Thank you so, so much for your appreciation, Mr. Bretschneider! Of course, I’ll accept your offer!” Looking for a pen, I scan his impeccably tidy desk.
“Don’t rush, Ms. Lechner!” He stands up and hands me the contract, and then immediately his hand. “As I said, read it over at your leisure, and discuss it with your family and friends. Our offer stands permanently.”
“Oh my…” I quickly bite my lip.I wanted to break myself of that stupid phrase!“Thank you very much,” is all I say, and shake Mr. Bretschneider’s outstretched hand. “Thank you so very much!”
“We have to thank you, dear Ms. Lechner.” He gives me a last smile and makes it clear I can leave.
Outside in the hallway, I hop up in the air once. And a second time.Can you imagine? I don’t know anyone who has ever been offered this before!
David, coming out of the restroom down the hall, looks at me, frowning.
I ignore him, heading for the stairwell. As slowly as possible, I climb the stairs. After all, I don’t want to appear to be on the run!
Nevertheless, my heart is practicing tap dance routines when I arrive on the second floor.
With a deep intake of air, I breathe away the black-dark edges reducing my field of vision. Now just ten more steps and the safety of my office envelops me. Inside, I place the employment contract on the table, rush to the glass front and tear open the window.
The spring air embraces me, warm and fresh at the same time, clearing my euphoric thoughts. The wind comes in, it ruffles my hair and drives a strand in front of my eyes.
I catch myself grinning blissfully as I stroke it out of my face. Then I fumble in the pocket of my blazer for my cell phone.
My fingers blindly finding the speed dial I lift the phone to my ear and listen for the ringing on the other end of the line.
“Colliance Insurance, Schreck speaking,” Kevin’s business-like voice buzzes from the microphone.
“Hello, my bear…” I use the pet name Kevin likes the most of all common nicknames in Germany. After all, he says, bears are the most dangerous of the local predators. “Guess what, I can’t believe it yet, but I just—”