Page 39 of With Love, Melody
In the meantime, how about that sequel?
He was four pages in, his fingers on fire, creative juices flowing like white water rapids when he decided he needed to make an outline first. And check on Melody. She’d been a mess last night, and while he understood her need for privacy, he neededherto understand he wasn’t going anywhere.
Was he hurt to know she’d been intimate with other men? Absolutely.
Had learning it straight from the mouth of one of those men cut sharper than a knife? Yes.
Was he going to walk away because she’d made some mistakes? No. No, no, no, and never.
He sent her a text, knowing she was likely teaching music at the community college at this time. When she didn’t reply immediately, he wasn’t troubled, too busy with a notebook and pens of various colors. He was a nerd. He color-coded his outlines and wrote them all longhand.
“TJ?” His name was called out before a knock sounded on his door. He’d known that voice practically since he was in his mother’s womb.
“It’s open.”
Lucy waltzed inside, bringing cold air with her, and TJ motioned for her to close the door already.
“Mom said you took the day off. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.”
“Since when do I have to inform you of my comings and goings? I thought you sensed it all with your twin powers.”
“That would be plain creepy.” She flopped down beside him. “Ready for your onstage debut tonight? Up the ante on the kiss while you’re at it.”
He onlyhummedin response.
“How’s Melody?”
Now he looked up, attention captured. “Have you talked with her?”
“We texted this morning. She didn’t seem herself.”
TJ grimaced. “We had a…a rough moment last night.”
Lucy’s jaw dropped. “You told her? Right before the play? You’re an idiot!”
“Thanks. And no, I didn’t tell her. We went out to eat, almost like a date, and then we ran into her last ex. Drew.”
“Ugh. I remember him. Ego of an elephant.”
“That hasn’t changed. He said some rather insulting and insinuating things, and I guess I’m naive or something, but I never realized Mel, you know, that she slept with some of her boyfriends.”
“Oh.” Lucy toed at the carpet with her boot. “It’s notthatbig of a deal. It happens.”
In that instant, TJ knew it had happened to his sister. Sorrow pierced him anew, and he began to open his mouth, wanting to know how and why and who. But like Melody, Lucy would need to tell him in her own time. He sure was racking up a lot of prayer requests today.
“I know. I understand that. Still hurts to find out, though.”
Lucy pursed her lips. “I can see that. I’m sure she didn’t want you to know.”
“She pretty much fell apart and refused to talk to me. I need to patch things up before the play.” There was no way Melody could act her way through the amount of emotion she’d spewed last night. Melody Reed rarely cried. Not in front of him, anyway. All those tears last night told him more than her words ever could.
She was broken inside. Completely broken.
He shared his book news with Lucy, who gave him a huge hug of congratulations and called their parents on speakerphone to share that TJ had finally grown a backbone. Whatever her faults, he sure loved his twin. When she left, he checked his phone. Still nothing from Melody. She should be on lunch break by now, so he called her. She answered on the fourth ring.
“Hey.” Even her voice was broken.
“Just checking on you. Are you in between classes?”