Page 44 of With Love, Melody
He didn’t pull back fast. He didn’t pull back at all. Instead, he meekly asked for more, kissing with the same persistent determination he displayed in every aspect of their friendship year after year. Melody’s stomach exploded with a dizzying firework of tingles, chasing away her pain. This was the TJ who’d kissed her in high school.
This was the TJ she loved.
Everything around her faded as she kissed him back, her heart surging with the feelings for him she had desperately tried to keep at bay. Giving in, she lifted her hands to frame his face, brushing her fingers along his rough cheek before looping both arms around his neck, rising on her toes to close that one-inch gap between them.
He deepened the kiss, offering her more of him, angling his head to give them both better access. Melody’s stomach balled up with desire, her legs shook, and her breath came in gasped snatches, but she didn’t stop clinging to TJ, giving back with everything in her, wishing this moment would never end.
A wolf call blasted through the air from the audience, and Melody jerked back, in a flash remembering where she was. Heat washed over her face, so intense she wavered on her feet, lightheaded, breathing hard. For one terrifying second, she thought she would faint, but TJ slipped an arm around her waist, steadying her. Grounding her.
Like he always did.
The curtain fell, and they stood there, like two statues, as the applause rose from the other side. The curtain rose again, and Melody stared stupidly at the crowd that had risen to their feet, their cheers flowing up to the stage in a thunderous roar.
“Take a bow,” Betsy hissed backstage, and Melody and TJ obeyed as if in a trance, then exited, only to take the stage again with the whole cast and crew. The applause continued unabated, and they had to open the curtain twice more until the audience sat down. Debra climbed the stage to thank the audience for coming, make a spiel about Artisan’s Hope, and plead for donations. Melody jolted in shock when she heard her name from the mic.
Debra had never publicly lauded her before.
“I’d like to ask our amazing production engineer to join me onstage. Miss Melody Reed!”
Still flustered by the kiss, she emerged with sweaty palms from behind the curtain to heavy applause, and Debra went on to sing her praises as if they were best buddies. Melody smiled appropriately and accepted the microphone when it was shoved in her face.
“Thank you for your support. Artisan’s Hope would be nothing without you, and the kids and young adults in this community who need this place the most would be nothing without Artisan’s Hope.” She swallowed a lump. There was no shame in admitting it. TJ had taught her that. “I know because I was one of them once. And here I am today, directing the plays. Your support lets them know they can do the same.”
Debra squeezed her arm as she began to walk away. “Good job.”
Melody blinked slowly, then let a smile fill her face. That was all she needed to hear to make her night.
Refreshments were served at the back of the auditorium, and Melody headed that way to mingle, as expected. She didn’t see TJ anywhere, and the pitter-patter of her heart at the very thought of him told her his absence was a good thing at the moment.
“Well done, Melody.” Arlene Halverson appeared before her, thrusting an enormous bouquet of mixed flowers under her nose as she did after every production. “I’ve never seen one of your plays I didn’t like. But I think this one was the best. The chemistry between the leads was off the charts.”
Melody accepted the floral arrangement and the hug offered. “Thank you. But your opinion might be swayed by the lead male.”
Arlene threw her head back with a laugh. “Just maybe. You were both terrific.”
TJ’s dad leaned around his wife. He was generally a man of few words, but it looked like he had something to say tonight. “You and TJ look good together.”
Melody’s face flashed hot again. Have mercy. She and TJ had kissed—passionately—in front of his own parents, not to mention the rest of the audience filling the room. What did they think?
“Thank you, Dr. Halverson.” Before she melted into a puddle of humiliation on the auditorium floor, she wracked her mind for a valid defense that was honest but safe. She was saved by Lucy barreling between her and her parents.
“That was amazing, Mel! You should be in Hollywood, I swear.” Looping her arm through Melody’s, she dragged her away to a quieter corner. “What was that kiss all about? My goodness. Keep it PG around here, why don’t you?”
Melody didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “I don’t know what to say. He sure didn’t kiss me like that in practice.”
“Don’t even pretend you didn’t kiss him back. I saw. Weallsaw.”
“Fantastic.” Melody let sarcasm cover up her discomfort. “I don’t know what TJ was thinking!”
“Ask him.” Lucy jerked her chin toward the doorway of the auditorium. TJ stood just inside it, leaning his hip against the wall—watching her. The butterflies of earlier soared to life at the sight of him.
“Yeah.” Her voice went breathless as he approached. “I guess I should.”
He didn’t appear embarrassed about his amorous display as he came to a stop beside them. “How long do you have to stay?” He indicated the thinning crowd around them.
“A little more shoulder rubbing. Then I’m out of here.” She avoided eye contact. How could she look at him after the way she’d kissed him back? In front ofeveryone? “We’re cleaning up tomorrow.”
“I’ll wait for you.”