Page 61 of With Love, Melody
“Yes, I’m here for the reception.”
“Melody Reed, but—”
“Your name isn’t on the list, ma’am.” His eyebrows narrowed, and Melody knew she was seconds from being escorted out.
“I’m TJ Halverson’s plus-one,” she blurted. “He’s the bride’s cousin.”
Frowning, the man scanned the document in hand. “I see no TJ here.”
“Tyson.” She shook her head to clear it. “He goes by TJ, but his name is probably listed as Tyson.”
His lips tightened, and he shifted to look at another paper. From Melody’s view, it looked like a room layout with rectangles and circles for tables. “Wait here, please.”
She did until he disappeared, then darted to the banquet room entrance, pausing inside the doorway. Her eyes trailed over the room. When her gaze landed on TJ, her heart went from sixty to a hundred. The man from the front was bent near his ear, speaking, and then TJ bolted to his feet, his head swinging back and forth as she sought Melody. He was easily the best-looking man in the room in Melody’s estimation, the slim suit and vest giving him a suave charm she hadn’t seen before. But his looks didn’t hold a candle to the heart of gold that beat behind his strong, fit chest.
The second his sights landed on her, he lurched forward, leaving the glowering receptionist behind. His face lit with an irresistible smile as he crossed the room toward Melody in large, sure strides. He paused two feet from her, his eyes taking her in from head to toe.
“You came,” he said as he moved closer, his blue eyes telling her without words that she had chosen the right dress for the occasion. “You’re beautiful. Stunning, actually.”
“Thank you.” She felt suddenly shy, shifting her gaze aside. It was a little weird to go from best friends to a-whole-lot-more. But it was a weird she wanted with every fiber in her being. TJ was right. Why settle for good when they could have something even better?
“I’m sorry I’m late.”
“There’s a saying…”
“Better late than never?”
“Finishing my sentences already?” Melody trembled with yearning as he stepped closer. “See? We’re meant to be together.”
A smile turned up her lips, but it slipped just as fast. This wasn’t easy, as she’d expected. “I need to talk to you.”
He reached for her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. “Let’s step into the lobby.”
He led her to a quiet window overlooking the dark golf course, never releasing her hand. Chills of pleasure broke out on her skin at the gentle sweep of his thumb across her knuckles. Back and forth. Back and forth.
What a delight it was to be loved by her best friend. The one who accepted her and adored her. Just the way she was.
“Thank you.”
He only looked at her, his face tender, before he lifted his index finger to run it in a gentle semi-circle from ear to ear along her jaw. Melody closed her eyes, reveling in his touch.
“Thank you,” she repeated in a whisper. “Thank you for loving me.”
His arms wrapped around her then, engulfing her in a tight hug. She burrowed in close to the man who had always loved her.
He waited for her, loosening his hold so they could look fully into the faces of each other.
“I’ve realized a lot of things today. First, I’ve been wrong about God. Really wrong.”
A half-smile lifted one cheek. “Yes.”
“Also, I need counseling. A lot of it, probably.”