Page 14 of Built of Flames
The woman had more patents than Mitch had socks. But she wasn’t cocky or a snob. She was shy and quiet. She’d given Izzy a home. A proper home with people who cared about her. For that alone, Mitch would have liked the woman.
He’d also met Sam Young, Tansy’s fiancé and Graham’s business partner. The former FBI agent was an intimidating man with more muscles than Tansy had patents. Mitch didn’t have a doubt that the man would reserve judgment on Mitch until he’d run a background check.
Good people.
After Pennyworth had stacked the last dish, it cleaned the sink and then moved to the corner to sit on its charging station. “I feel like I’ve crossed through the looking glass.”
Isabella laughed again as they moved out of the kitchen. The others were sitting around the incredible live-edged dining table Aisling had crafted, but he wanted to talk to Izzy privately.
“Can we head out to the deck for a minute?”
She nodded, and they stepped out into the early dusk. Autumn was starting up in New England. The greens were changing into golds and oranges. The reds would be another week or more, depending on the weather.
They moved to stand by the railing overlooking the lake. One of the dogs followed them out. The shepherd mix appeared to be keeping an eye out for Izzy as well. “I like your friends.”
She smiled up at him, making him want things he had no business wanting. Isabella had always been beautiful, but she’d been off-limits and he’d respected that. Now he didn’t want to have any boundaries between them at all.
And he was an ass who wasn’t even sure he deserved her friendship. But he wanted to taste those lips, hear her sigh at his touch, feel those curves beneath him.
She smiled. “They’re great people.”
He pulled his mind back to the conversation and off his desire. Thinking of Christo was enough to douse the flame. “Do you want to call Christo? Do you want to do it yourself, or would you rather I called him?”
He didn’t want to give her the option not to call. He couldn’t keep something this important from his best friend. Not when it affected Christo even more than it did Mitch.
Izzy sighed and rolled her lips together. “I don’t know.” She took in a couple of deep breaths and gripped her hands tightly together. “I’m scared.”
“It’ll be good. I promise.”
Her gaze moved from the view of the lake to him and back again. When he wondered if he should say anything else, she nodded. “Go ahead. Call him.”
Grinning, he put the call through on video chat. It was always better to see someone’s face. The nuances would be easier for them both that way.
“Hey Mitch. How’s Vermont?”
“It’s good. Christo, I found her.”
His buddy’s face lit up. “Isabella? You found her? You really found her?”
There was no mistaking his friend’s joy, so Mitch handed the phone to Izzy. Her eyes filled with tears and they spilled over onto her cheeks, but she was smiling. “Christo. Hi.”
“Izzy. My God, Izzy, it’s really you. Man.” Christo’s voice broke and tears filled his eyes as well. “I’m so glad to see you, Isabella. I’ve missed you so damn much. I was such an idiot that day, didn’t even think to question Dad and then you were gone and I couldn’t find you. Are you okay?”
Mitch started to move away, but Izzy latched onto his arm to keep him there. Her hand was shaking so badly, he thought she might drop the phone.
The chairs on the deck were visible to the people in the dining room, so instead, Mitch put his arm around her shoulder and guided her to the stairs. She and Christo talked over each other, apologizing and wiping tears.
When they sat on the top stair, Isabella leaned into Mitch and rested her head on his shoulder. He knew her entire being was focused on her brother, but the action spoke to trust.
She fumbled the phone, so Mitch took it and held it where they could all see each other. Isabella talked about her arson investigator jobs and the experiences she’d had in the different states. Christo talked about his girlfriend and the job.
None of them mentioned the Chief. Time enough for that another day.
“You want me to keep this between us for now?” And with that, Christo addressed the elephant in the room.
Izzy rolled her lips again and then nodded. “For now, anyway. It’s been a crazy day, and I’m not up to anything else.”
“You and me both, Lizard.”