Page 21 of Built of Flames
When the humans caught up to each other, they exchanged pleasantries and then Izzy asked about eating options in Phail.
Graham shook his head. “The diner does breakfast and lunch, but no dinner service.”
But Aisling smiled. “Jim and Carl were thinking about opening the dining room at the B&B for dinner service. Let’s see if they’re doing that tonight. We can drop off the little table I finished for them.”
She pulled out her phone and sent a text. A minute later she was laughing. “If we give them a half-hour, they’ll put something together for us.”
Mitch protested. “I don’t want to put anyone out.”
Aisling smiled. “We’re not. They love to entertain and they want to check you out in person.”
That had him frowning. “What do you mean?”
Graham tugged Aisling into his side and kissed her hair. “Were you gossiping while you were measuring that bedroom this morning?”
The woman’s face flushed, but she smiled. “Only because they asked. They’d already heard aboutthe sexy firefighterand wanted all the details.”
Mitch felt his face flame.
Graham laughed. “Small towns, man. Nothing gets by anyone.”
Isabella smiled and looked up at him. “We don’t have to go. We can make something here.”
Graham shook his head. “Nope. No wimping out or disappointing Carl and Jim. You’re in.”
Mitch nodded, although he wasn’t quite sure what the hell he was agreeing to.
A couple of hours later, he realized he’d been played. Jim and Carl were a nice normal couple in their fifties who joined the six of them for supper. They’d been testing recipes throughout the day so instead of freezing them for leftovers, they got input from the group on what was best and what needed tweaking before they opened up for dinner service.
Mitch figured it was a way for her friends to protect Isabella. A way to spend more time checking him out. He was glad she’d found a great group of friends, even if he wanted to spend more time alone with her.
Once they’d finished the meal, the others piled into Sam’s vehicle but Izzy took his hand and squeezed. “Thanks. That was fun.”
“Not quite what I was planning, but it was fun.” He leaned in and kissed her lightly. “See you tomorrow?”
She smiled and nodded then slipped into Sam’s car and they were off.
Mitch drove his car to Marcus’s home, but his buddy’s vehicle wasn’t there. Instead of heading inside, Mitch decided to walk the town to get a better feel for where Isabella lived.
The Phail/Fail jokes on a lot of the businesses had him smiling. It was nice that the town had a sense of humor. No malls, not even a strip mall. No chain stores. All individual buildings with flowers in pots along the sidewalks.
The buildings were more wood than you’d see in the city. What happened if one caught fire? Did they even have a volunteer fire department? A truck? Anything? He’d have to ask Marcus more details. He hadn’t really considered his request to start up a fire department seriously. His life had been in Kelsor.
Now? Things had changed.
“You must be Mitch Robinson.”
Mitch looked up in surprise to find a man leaning in the door frame of Phail General. Although the Ph had been painted over with a neon green F.
Mitch held out his hand. “I am. I thought Kelsor had a good grapevine, but Phail has it beat.”
“Troy Phail. Welcome to town. I hear you’re a firefighter and a friend of Bella’s.”
“I am. Need help fixing that?” Mitch nodded up to the bright F.
Troy laughed. “I just fixed it last week. Not bothering tonight. It makes everyone laugh, so I’ll leave it for a few days.”
“Any publicity is good publicity?”