Page 66 of Built of Flames
Without waiting for an answer, Mitch raced down the hall to Bella’s room. He shouldn’t have left her. He’d been gone far longer than he’d planned. Mac wouldn’t have stayed that long.
Mitch flew into the room, ready for anything.
Anything except what he found.
Steve Speers sat in the chair beside Bella’s bed with his head in his hands. The man was sobbing while Bella patted his back with her good hand and spoke softly.
Juan and Roberto crashed into the room behind him, and the three of them stared at the scene in front of them.
Steve looked up and Mitch couldn’t get over the change in the man. He’d aged at least a decade, and his eyes showed devastation.
When he spoke, his voice was broken. “I’m not here to hurt her. I’m here to apologize for my boy. He was angry over me not getting the Chief’s position. He blamed Christo for being a better leader. And I knew he had a crush on Isabella.”
A shudder ran through him, and he wiped away some tears. “But I didn’t know he’d been doing this. I can’t believe what he’s done. We’re trained to save people, to save buildings. All of us. But he’s done the opposite.”
Steve patted Bella’s hand. “I’m so sorry for what he’s done to you and your family. I’m glad you’re all right, and I’m glad he’s been stopped. Now, I’m going to make sure he gets some counseling while he’s locked up. He needs help. But I wanted you to know I’m sorry.”
Bella took his hand. “Thank you, Steve. It means a lot to me. To us. I hope he takes you up on the counselling. And you might want to look into it for you. You’re going through a lot yourself.”
With a choked laugh, Steve nodded and shoved to his feet.
Mitch and Roberto moved to let him pass, but Juan put his arm around the man’s shoulders. “You’ve never backed down from the tough shit, Steve. It took guts coming here. Let me walk you out, and we’ll figure out what to do next.”
Mitch moved over and hugged Bella. Roberto thumped down into the chair. “When a nurse told me Steve was here, I nearly had another heart attack. Scared the snot right out of me. And then I scared the snot out of Mitch and your dad.”
Mitch nodded, but didn’t let go of her. “He sure did. And all the while you were here comforting the man.”
She leaned back from his hug. “Well, he kind of scared me for a second when I opened my eyes and saw him in the room. But one look at his eyes, and I knew he wasn’t here to make things worse. I can’t imagine how awful this is for him.”
Roberto snorted. “You’re the one in the hospital bed. But you’re right. It’s a hell of a mess for him. Your dad will make sure he gets some help. How are you doing, Bella? Fed up with all the people yet?”
Bella laughed softly. “Everyone has been so nice, but it’s overwhelming.”
Mitch sat beside her on the bed and tucked her under his arm. “You’re still recovering from the surgery. You must be tired. Want me to guard the door while you catch a nap?”
She leaned her head on his shoulder. “No. I’m good, just ready to go home.”
The door swung open again, and Dr. Iminez entered. “Then let’s see if we can make that happen.”
Match Made In Heaven
Bella sank back onto her bed and smiled. The furniture in the lodge might be old, but Bella had splurged on a brand new mattress. Worth every penny.
Mitch chuckled. “Better than a hospital bed?”
“By a million times.”
After she’d been released, they’d spent the night at Mitch’s house. He’d had a good mattress too, but his window looked out at the garage. Or what was left of it.
The smell of smoke had lingered in the air and brought on nightmares and memories. Mitch had held her all night long, soothing her as often as she’d needed. Which was too often for her liking. Hopefully, the terror and the dreams would fade.
They’d spent the day giving statements to the police and visiting the firehall. Mitch had tendered his resignation and told his teammates about his new job. Everyone had latched onto the idea, offering suggestions and help.
It was great to focus on something positive after finding out one of their own had been burning down their town one building at a time.
They’d stopped in at the No Fail Diner for Manuel’s tacos when they’d arrived in town.
So many people had dropped in to chat with them. To say how glad they were that they were both okay. And to welcome Mitch officially to town.