Page 69 of Built of Flames
“That’s for sure.” Bella’s phone beeped with a text, and she grinned at the message. “Gotta go. Looks like my surprise for Mitch is ready. See you in a few hours.”
Mitch couldn’t stop grinning as he wandered the space. The former oil-change business had been transformed into Phail Fire Hall.
Although he fully expected it to be changed to both Fail Fire Hall and Phail Phire Hall occasionally. All the businesses were targeted every few months. It was always washable paint, and no one worked too hard to uncover the vandal.
It made everyone smile, and Mitch was all for that. The world was too full of serious shit. The new fire engine, well new-to-Phail anyway, sat in its bay, polished to a glorious shine.
Over the past month, the building had gone from worn-out to safe, repaired, and clean.
He’d had so much help. Not only from Bella and the Midnight Lake crew, but the townspeople, Bella’s family, and so many of the firefighters from Kelsor.
Juan Martinez had been the biggest surprise. He’d taken Steve Speers under his wing and brought the man over to help paint and repair.
Speers had gone from a man with his head down and despair in every movement to one who could look him in the eye. The sadness was there, but therapy was helping him move past the deepest darkness.
With all the help, support, and donations, Phail Fire was ready to train the volunteers.
And Mitch couldn’t wait.
“Knock, knock.”
Bella’s voice had him turning to the back of the building. Her pretty soft-blue dress had him smiling. And wanting to peel it off her. She didn’t wear dresses often, but he loved when she did.
He walked over and pulled her in for a kiss. “Hey. How was your day?”
“It was awesome.”
“You solved the fire?” He picked her up and swung her around. “You’re incredible. Congrats.”
He kissed her laugh and felt her joy bubbling through her. “We’ll celebrate later.”
“We will. But it’ll be a double celebration. For the grand opening of Phail Fire Hall.”
He grinned. “Hard to believe it’s official.”
“You’ve worked your butt off to make it happen. It’s no surprise. But speaking of surprises, I have one for you.”
At her blush, he waggled his eyebrows at her. “The kind of surprise where I get to unwrap you?”
Laughing, she poked him. “No. But I hope you like it anyway.”
Then she stepped out of his arms and opened the door to the back room. She leaned her head in and patted her thigh. “Come on, Loki. Come here, boy.”
Mitch’s eyes widened as a gorgeous golden lab walked through the door. The dog licked Bella’s hand and then nuzzled her.
“Loki, this is Mitch. Mitch, this is Loki.”
“Loki?” He wondered if his grin was going to split his face.
The dog walked over to him and Mitch squatted down to greet him. After sniffing his hand, the dog licked his face and allowed Mitch to rub him all over. “Hey, Loki.”
Mitch glanced up to find Bella beaming. “You said you always pictured having a firehouse dog. One that was good with kids and traumatized people. Loki here should be perfect. Kimi got him from another vet. Loki’s owner died and this poor guy has been alone since then. He’s a certified therapy dog and has visited nursing homes and schools. He loves people.”
Mitch stood and pulled Bella into another hug. She remembered the one conversation they’d had about the dog and found one that was perfect for him. His heart couldn’t be any more full. “Thank you. Loki is perfect.”
Bella squeezed him. “When Kimi told me his name, I knew it was meant to be.”
“Because he’s named after the Norse God of Fire.”