Page 60 of Trapping His Queen
Rage ran through my veins as I looked at the despicable pieces of flesh standing before me as I yelled at my staff in Russian.
They stood lined up along the wall of my gaudy kitchen, trembling. With the head chef dead, his head literally on the chef platter being held by one of my men for all the kitchen staff to see, I had to choose someone to take his place.
The sous chef had wanted to quit on the spot the moment she saw the decapitated head of her boss, but I told her she would end up just like him if she did.
“I’m not understanding, sir.” My sous chef, Sophia, took a step away from her team to address me.
She looked me in the eye as she told her lie. Or maybe it wasn’t a lie at all, and she just hadn’t known at all that Boris was a terrible cook.
“Are you stating that you did not know that Boris was lying about his ability to cook, Sophia?”
A murmur from the rest of the staff came, but with just one look, I shut them all up.
“I did not hire him, sir. But from my understanding, his credentials said that he studied in Paris and Milan. I assumed that he was as competent as the rest of us.” She looked less confident than she had been a moment ago.
“Oh really? Then why is it I could taste the drugs in the soup?”
When no one said anything, I pressed on. “When I put drugs in something, I expect it to be odorless and tasteless. Yet, my new ward could, and she vomited all over herself. I do not know about you, but I did not expect to spend my afternoon playing nursemaid.”
I truly didn’t mind, but they did not need to know how much I cared for my littlemalishka.All they needed to know was that they fucked up.
“Anything else you want to add?” I looked at everyone before addressing Sophia. “Good. Now remake that soup. If I’m able to detect the drugs in it, you’ll be the next bloody body lying at my feet.” With my threat given, I swept out of the kitchen and headed to my office.
Once I was in my haven, I sank down in my chair and texted the number that Roger gave me. He told me it was safe to contact. It irked me I couldn’t call him directly and chew him out, but that wasn’t where we were right now.
Tensions in Russia had gotten worse, and it seemed like my brother had lost track of the spitfire he tried to breed. That boded well for me. My father was still sick, and no one could say how much longer he had to live.
My phone rang, and I blew out a sigh of relief. I was hoping for a speedy answer.
“Da,”I barked.
“What is so important, my king?” Roger whispered.
“Why are you whispering right now?” I asked, surprised.
Besides being my Godfather, Roger was the right hand. He didn’t have to hide behind anything. He had almost as much power as my dad and brother. Roger and I were close because we understood each other, lived by the same motto. We came into this world screaming and covered in blood, and we’d be damned if we didn’t leave it the same way.
“Things have been…off.” Roger replied, vaguely.
“What is that supposed to mean?” I ground out.
“It’s another matter entirely. I have little time to speak. Did you need something from me?”
Taken aback by Roger’s change of subject, I grew suspicious. “Why did you send me the world’s most incompetent chef? Were you testing me?”
“After all the tests your father made you do when you were younger to prove your worth to the family, do you really believe weak staffing would be one of mine?”
For the first time in my life, I worried Roger was getting sick of this life. He’d never sounded so weary before. His tone was tired.
When I was younger, he was so full of energy. Larger than anyone in the Bratva. His mere presence made grown men piss themselves.
“Then how did he slip through your radar? You are the most cautious and meticulous member that I know. No one ever gets anything past you.”
“I should be given a little slack, don’t you think?” Roger bit out.
Amused, I reminded him, “The Bratva gives no man slack, as you say.”
“I know. I’ve heard it all my life. All I can say is that I didn’t do my due diligence, and for that, I apologize. Look, you need to find someone you can rely on who is there with you and can handle everything you need. I’m not getting any younger, my boy.”