Page 95 of Trapping His Queen
I sat Sloane down in the chair across from mine. Emotional exhaustion had her in an almost catatonic state. She rocked slightly back and forth while I started grabbing dishes to load up her plate.
I sat the food down in front of her and prodded, “Eat something.”
She didn’t even blink.
I glared at her. “Malishka,put some sustenance in your stomach.”
Her mouth wobbled, but still she remained silent.
I slammed my fist down on the table causing her to jump. “I said eat!”
She blinked twice, but her hand never reached for her fork.
Apparently, we would have to do thisyetagain.
I stood up, straightening my suit as I did. I walked around the long dining room table and sank to my haunches. When Sloane disregarded me, I grabbed her chin between my fingers and forced her face toward me. Fear filled her gaze, and she stopped rocking, but she didn’t give me her eyes.
“Malishka,” I softened my voice. “I need you to eat for me. For our child. You can do this, no?”
She numbly nodded and reached for her fork. I waited while she moved the utensil around her plate. Mechanically, she brought it up to her face, put the food in her mouth, and started chewing. I let out a small sigh of relief.
“I h-h-hate y-y-you,” she stammered after she swallowed.
“That’s not true,” I countered.
“Y-yes it i-is.”
“No, it’s not!” I snapped.
She scoffed and tried to move away from me, but I wrapped a hand around her ungrateful fucking throat and hissed in her ear. “Do not fool yourself into thinking you would be better off without me,malishka.Don’t you dare fucking fool yourself.”
“I would be! I would have—”
“You would not have done shit. We both know that. Those assholes from that damn club, the same ones who killed your father, would never allow it. They would have slit your goddamn throat.” I shoved her away and stood up. “You are their walking cautionary tale to the rest of the town.”
Her eyes blazed with anger and her entire frame shook. “I can’t take this anymore! You don’t know what would have happened. You’re not an all-seeing—”
“But I am. I know what you refuse to face. It is as clear as fucking day. They killed your father, and you were on your way to joining him in the afterlife before I took you.”
“Lies!” She tossed a basket of biscuits at me. “You’re just pissed because I don’t love you.”
“You love me. You are just too ashamed to admit it. You don’t have to. You smile at me when you think I am not watching. I can feel it when your breath hitches every single goddamn time I kiss you. I know from the way your eyes light up when they see me. You love me. Admit it.”
Sloane was shaking her head and trying to back away. “N-no. Y-you’re wrong. I can’t be in love with a monster. I won’t be.”
It felt like she had punched me in the throat with that statement.
“I am not the monster here, Sloane,” I spat in disgust then stormed out of the dining room, yelling, “Roman!”
“Boss?” Roman slid from the shadows and appeared at my side.
“Round up all the men for a meeting. I’m sick of playing these games.” I growled, stalking past him.
“What about Sloane?” Roman asked, motioning toward the dining room.
“Leave her.”
If Sloane thought I was a monster, then I would just have to show her what a veritable monster could do. This was end game. By the time it was over, she would either love me or be dead. There was no in-between. Not any fucking more.