Page 77 of Stay with Me

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Page 77 of Stay with Me

Instead of acting rashly, Nicholas had to approach Reider Castle with a plan Simon wouldn’t expect. If he could bring about his brother’s demise, not only would he be able to save Sybil, but he’d also protect the country from Simon’s devious scheming with the French.

Using every last vestige of self-control, Nicholas slipped from his mount and forced himself to release his reins. Simon wouldn’t do anything to Sybil, not yet. Not while he still needed her.

One of the youth hurried to take his horse. He released it to the boy’s care and turned to face the growing crowd of men in front of him. Though they were yet shrouded by the shadows of night, the anger and sorrow etching their faces was clear enough.

He crossed his arms to keep from grabbing the back of the tunic of the boy leading his horse away, then he swallowed his own anger and sorrow. “Tell me what happened.”

Nicholas knelt next to the fresh graves on the edge of the village, the damp soil staining his leggings. He bowed his head, whispered a prayer for the souls of the men Simon had killed, then prayed for himself and the rest of the archers who insisted on accompanying him to Reider Castle.

They were as furious as he was at Simon’s brutality and the needless destruction of their homes. Although Ralph was still alive, the arrow had come dangerously close to his heart.Father Fritz and Beatrice had been doctoring him all day, but he remained unconscious.

Nicholas had spent part of the morn at Ralph’s side. The remainder of the time, he’d consulted with the other archers, devising a plan of retaliation against Simon and how best to extricate Sybil without any harm befalling her.

At a commotion behind him, Nicholas finished his prayers and lifted his head. Afternoon sunlight pierced through the leaves as if to remind him of the urgency of the mission ahead and the need now to be on their way.

“I didn’t do it! I swear by all that’s holy.”

Eric was back.

The word going around the village was that Eric was the one who’d betrayed them to Simon. Nicholas hadn’t believed Eric was capable, hadn’t wanted to blame his friend, had hoped there was another explanation.

Two of the archers held Eric between them. He was disheveled, his hat gone, his hair unkempt and matted with blood, his clothing torn. Worse were the bruises on his face, the welt swelling one of his eyes shut, the bent angle of his nose, the oozing gash at his neck where a knife had nicked him.

Eric was lifting his chin, almost defiantly, as though daring Nicholas to say something.

Without breaking eye contact, Nicholas crossed to the young man. With every step closer, the fear in Eric’s eyes darkened, telling Nicholas what he needed to know. Eric had done it.

Nicholas came to a halt in front of Eric and didn’t realize he was gripping his dagger until Eric’s gaze flicked to it.

All around, the villagers ceased their work at cleaning up the destruction to stare. Eric deserved to die for what he’d done. He’d aided Simon and, in doing so, destroyed lives and homes. He’d also ensured Sybil’s departure from the village. Perhaps that had been his motivation behind telling Simon about hismarriage. Because he hadn’t wanted anyone to disrupt the memory of his sister.

Nicholas lifted his hand to slap Eric. But at the young man’s flinch, he halted. Eric had been beaten enough by Simon, no doubt in an effort to extract information. Eric had obviously tried to resist but had eventually given in and relayed to Simon the details he wanted about Sybil and the location of the village.

Regardless of the pressure exerted against him, Eric had been cowardly, disloyal, and weak. He deserved more punishment, but Nicholas wouldn’t give it. Instead, he wanted to view the situation and Eric with wisdom and kindness, the way Walter would have.

After all, he’d already learned his lesson from all that had transpired at Rye. One wrong shouldn’t lead to another. Doing so only brought regret.

At least it had for him. While others praised his defeat of the French at Dover, he’d always felt uncomfortable with the lauds because he knew the true nature of what had happened during the fight—how he’d made the French pay for what they’d done at Rye, had shown no mercy.

In the moment, he’d thought the retribution would bring him peace. But to this day, he lived with the guilt of his brutality.

Eric had taken out his rage too, but his had been directed against the abbot for preventing the women of the town from taking refuge inside the monastery when the attack had started. Eric might have been justified for his resentment against the abbot for adhering to the male-only rule during a time of crisis. The abbot should have been punished. Just not by Eric. And not by death.

Nicholas had set a poor example to the young man then. But today, was it possible he could redeem his actions and pave a course for Eric to follow—one that showed honor in the face of tribulation rather than revenge?

“Go to Walter in Dover.” Sheathing his dagger, Nicholas took a step back. “He will give you shelter and direction for what to do next.”

Eric would no longer be welcomed by the community of outlaws, not after the role he’d played in leading Simon to Devil’s Bend. And Eric would always have to worry about someone linking him with the death of the abbot from Rye. But perhaps he could find a new life on the Continent.

Eric’s expression was wary, as if he couldn’t grasp the fact that Nicholas was setting him free.

“I wish to let my difficulties drive me to my knees before my Maker and not to my knees in despair.” As the words left Nicholas’s mouth, he knew them to be true with all his heart. He didn’t want to be carried by his hardships aimlessly. Instead, he wanted to find a way to carry the hardships with grace and purpose.

With a final nod at the young man, Nicholas motioned toward the lad who had his horse. “Time to be on our way.” And time to rescue the woman he loved.

~ 29 ~

The clank of a door and the jangleof keys roused Sybil. The moldiness of the dungeon cell as well as the frigidness of the air were all the clues she needed to know she was still solidly in the past.

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