Page 108 of Corrupt Princess
“Yeah, not the fucking one we want, though,” I mutter.
“What the fuck happened?” Theo barks.
“Gave us the slip when he discovered it was a set-up.” Galen confesses.
“Yeah, but it’s where they are now that’s the issue.” I scoff.
“Daemon?” Stefanos asks, concern replacing that previous pride.
“Only one way to find out.”
Abandoning the bodies, he commands everyone to follow us as we race through the trees in favour of the cars.
Ripping Theo’s passenger door open, I drop into the seat as the others follow suit.
“Dude, you’re bleeding,” Alex says, making me turn around to see who he’s talking about.
“So are you, arsehole,” Seb barks back, his eyes dropping to the mess of Alex’s face. But my gaze is quickly averted to where Seb is clutching his upper arm. And just like Alex said, blood is seeping over his fingers.
“Were you fucking shot?”
“It’s fine. Just a graze.”
“Bro, you should—” Theo starts.
“Just fucking drive, Boss. We’ve got a job to finish.”
Theo jams his finger into the start button, bringing his beast of an engine to life before he floors the accelerator, and we fly away from the warehouse.
No words are said as we race across the city, multiple black cars right behind us.
We have no idea what we’re about to drive into the middle of, but I’m pretty sure we’re all preparing for the worst.
And thank fuck we are, because as we turn the final corner, we discover that the smoke billowing up into the sky before us isn’t just some random house fire.
It’s the Italians trying to bring our Family to its knees.
“I’m fucking starving,” Stella complains, clutching her stomach as if it’s about to eat itself.
“It’s been like three-quarters of an hour; the room service will be here soon.”
“In a place this expensive, it should have been here thirty minutes ago.”
“Money doesn’t make things cook faster,” Calli rationalises while Stella sulks.
It’s been hours since we saw or heard from the guys, and the anxiety levels of our group are growing by the second. And as much as Stella’s whining about her stomach might be annoying, I get it. She needs a distraction. Hell, so do I.
We stopped drinking after draining a second bottle of champagne. We might have craved a buzz, but none of us wanted to be so wasted that we weren’t with it when the guys return. If the guys return. My stomach convulses at that thought alone and I chastise myself for even considering it.
They will come back, and they will be fine. There is no other option.
“Maybe if you didn’t order so much then it would have been here by now.”
“Blob is hungry.”