Page 121 of Corrupt Princess
“Don’t,” she whispers, attempting to twist away from me so I can’t see it.
Sliding my hand higher, I grab her luscious arse and roll her closer, stopping her from retreating.
“You don’t hide from me, Siren. Ever. You’re beautiful, every inch of you.”
“It’s ugly,” she says, disgust with herself evident in her voice.
Leaning forward, I press my lips to one of the worst cuts, peppering it with kisses.
“I’ll never be able to express how much it kills me that I caused this. I was stupid, reckless.”
“You were lost, Nico. Grief, it’s—” Her words are cut off when I blow out a heavy sigh and rest my brow on her shoulder.
“Not a good enough excuse. I could have lost you too that night. That terrifies me, Siren. I wouldn’t survive that. I know I wouldn’t.”
“I’m just a girl, Nico.”
I drag my head up and find her eyes once more.
“No. You’re not just anything, Brianna. You’re everything. Every-fucking-thing.” I lean closer and drop a chaste kiss to her lips. “And.” Kiss. “All.” Kiss. “Mine.” Kiss.
Her fingers wrap around the back of my head and she holds me in place on that final brush of our lips, giving me little choice but to deepen the kiss.
“I don’t belong to anyone, Nico. If anything, I own you,” she says fiercely when we come up for air.
“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” I mutter before rolling her onto her back, more than ready to embark on a slower, gentler round three.
Until someone starts pounding on the bedroom door.
“Time’s up, fuckers. Get your cock out of Brianna, Nico. We’ve got to move,” Toby barks in amusement.
“Fuck off, Tobes,” I shout back.
“No can do. Boss wants us to move out. This location has been compromised.”
“Fuck’s sake,” I groan, already mourning the loss of Brianna’s pussy and I’m not even in it yet.
But then the girl in question makes it all better with four little words.
“Take me home, Nico.”
“Fuck, babe. Do you have any idea what you do to me?”
She smiles coyly up at me before wiggling her hips and letting my hard cock graze her pussy.
“I have an idea.”
“You’re trouble.”
“You’ve only just figured that out?”
“NICO,” Toby bellows. “Five seconds to move or I’m coming in.”
“Feel free,” I call back, rolling off of Brianna and sitting on the edge of the mattress. “You can see the state of this bed.”
Looking over my shoulder, I wink at Brianna as she giggles like a schoolgirl.