Page 133 of Corrupt Princess
“Nico,” she sighs, turning to look at me as she drags her hair up into a ponytail. “You can’t keep me locked up here as your sex slave forever.”
“Watch me.” I step farther into the room, more than ready to use my naked body to convince her of all the reasons to stay.
“I’ve got a job, Nico. A life. One I’d like to return to.”
“You don’t have to. I’ve already got more than you could ever possibly—”
She barks out a laugh of disbelief. “Are you actually serious right now?”
“I don’t want to be your trophy housewife, Nico. I won’t ever be the kind of woman you can pacify with money. I won’t bend to your will or anyone else’s. I am my own person, I—”
“Whoa,” I say, holding my hands up in defence. “Calm down. I was just saying that if—”
“Well, don’t. I don’t want your money, your handouts, or your connections. I want to go home and get prepared to return to my job tomorrow.”
I swallow nervously, more than aware of what that job is.
“I might have agreed to this. But that doesn’t mean it’s all going to be on your terms.”
“I never said it had to be. I just don’t want you to feel like you need to rush back after all this if you’re not ready. Money no longer needs to be the driving force for anything you do in life.”
“I don’t want your money.”
“Well, that’s tough, because you can have as much of it as you like.”
And I damn well fucking mean it.
Now I’ve made my decision about what I want in life, I’m willing to open up everything for her.
What’s mine is hers. Now and always.
Istare at Nico in disbelief.
His U-turn on what he wants in life gives me bloody whiplash.
The need to argue burns red hot in my stomach, fury at the fact he thinks I’ll drop to my knees once more and accept all the handouts he’s offering me bubbles in my veins. But I fight them both.
He’s not saying these things to be vindictive or controlling. I can see in his eyes that he’s saying them because he genuinely wants to help.
I won’t accept it, though.
It doesn’t matter if he decides he wants to put a ring on it and give me his name; I still won’t accept his fortune.
I earn what I spend. I work for what I have.
Okay, so should I ever move in with him, I might need to bend my rules slightly. But that’s an issue for the future. Right now, I have no reason to think we’ll make it to the end of the week.
All of this, all these promises of the future, of no financial burdens when I’ve spent almost all my life counting the pennies… They’re too much. This… all of this is too much.
“I need to go home, Nico. I need to get prepped for tomorrow and I—” I swallow nervously, knowing this is going to hurt him. “I need some space.”
His brow furrows, his eyes darkening with confusion.