Page 14 of Corrupt Princess
“Come on, baby.” Toby pulls Jodie through the door before she gets a chance to spit any more painful truths at me, although it doesn’t stop her, her voice carrying until the door finally clicks closed.
Silence fills the room as the weight of my actions presses down on me.
“She’s never going to talk to me again, is she?”
Calli moves about behind me before she drags a chair to Brianna’s other side and rests her hand on her leg.
“Do you think you deserve for her to?” she asks, looking up at me, her tired eyes holding mine.
“No,” I whisper.
“Why did I do it, Cal? What happened to make me lose control?” I ask, because that’s the only explanation here. There’s no way I’d ever put Brianna in danger unless the red haze of anger descended and I lost my shit entirely.
Calli’s lips part to respond, but she swallows whatever she was going to say and instead shakes her head.
“I don’t know the details, Nico.” Her eyes finally shift from mine as she fidgets on the chair. “That’s something you’re going to need to talk to Brianna about. It’s not my place to guess.”
When she looks back at me, my eyes narrow in suspicion.
“You’re lying to me, Calli. What do you know?”
She lets out a heavy sigh. “Nothing that I’m willing to discuss right here and now.”
I want to argue, to demand she tells me everything, but when she looks at me again, I know it would be pointless.
“Fine. But when we get out of here, I want to hear it all.”
“Fuck you, Nico. I don’t owe you anything.”
Tension crackles between us. My teeth grind, making my face ache like a motherfucker, but I’ll take the physical pain over the weight of my regrets and the confusion over not knowing what happened any day.
The air is thick between us as we fall into an awkward silence.
I probably should go back to my room. But I figure that I haven’t done anything that I should have when it comes to Brianna before. She really shouldn’t expect anything else from me.
Eventually, Calli starts drifting off, damn near folded in half with her head resting on her arms on Brianna’s bed.
“You should go home and get some sleep,” I say, remembering Daemon telling me that she’d refused to leave my side.
“I’m not leaving.”
“Calli,” I sigh. “I’m fine. Brianna is going to be fine. You’ve got school. Exams.”
“It’s Sunday,” she argues.
“Exactly. You have school tomorrow. You might have decided against uni, but I’m not letting you fuck this up.”
“You’re not letting me do anything,” she snaps, although it’s much less fierce with her exhaustion than when she tried ripping me a new one earlier.
“Go, or I’ll get Daemon to come and drag you out,” I threaten.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me,” I warn, more than aware that she won’t want to put Daemon at any more risk than he already has been, being here with her.
“Fine,” she spits, “but only because I’m so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open.”
“Pass your phone. I’ll call one of the guys to take you.”