Page 23 of Corrupt Princess
“You took her on a date?” Seb asks, almost sounding impressed.
“Does that really sound like something I’d do?”
“No, probably not.”
“Probably?” Alex snorts. “Nico wouldn’t know dating and romance if it smacked him in the face.”
“And you would? Bet you can’t even remember the last time you got laid,” I tease.
“I can assure you, my memory is a hell of a lot better than yours right now.”
“Okay, so who was she?”
“She?” he asks, wiggling his brows like a freak. “Don’t you mean they?”
“Fucking hell,” Seb groans. “As much as we might all want Alex’s dirty secrets, can we focus on the task at hand? You were in Twenty-Five, not on a date with Brianna…” he continues.
“No idea why either of us was there or why I kicked off to the point I drove my car into a building.”
When both Alex and Seb look at Theo, I do the same, hoping he can fill in some of the blanks.
“For fuck’s sake, throw me under the bus why don’t you?” he scoffs.
“What? You were the one who grilled her security until he squealed.”
“I didn’t grill him. His job is to protect Brianna. He just didn’t know he was meant to be protecting her from one of our own.”
“So?” I hiss, more than ready to discover the truth about all of this.
“Brianna went out on a date with Brad. She—”
“Brad the bellend,” I mutter to myself.
“Yeah, sure, whatever. He took her to Twenty-Five. You followed them.”
“I accused her of being a whore because he’d dressed her up in designer gear and paraded her around like he owned her.”
“You watched them eat, then organised for one of our girls to entertain Brad while you followed her to the toilet.”
“And now we all know what happened in there,” Seb says with a smile.
“So what happened after?” I urge, needing the end of this story.
“We don’t know. Phillip said you dragged her out of the building like the place was on fire. It took him a bit of time to catch up with you, but by the time he did, it was too late.”
“So what happened in the bathroom, Nico?” Seb prompts.
I think back, but my memory is capped at being inside her.
“I have no idea.”
“Did she do something?” Alex asks. “Tell you something?”
I look up, finding his eyes as he silently urges me to think, but I swear I see something else there.
“You know something?” I accuse.
“What? No. I have no idea. None of us did until I woke up to Daemon pounding on my front door.”