Page 118 of Corrupt Knight
“ARGH,” I scream as he jogs around the bonnet in the hope of expelling some of this pent-up anger that always seems to explode within me whenever Nico is close.
He doesn’t say anything as he drops into the driver’s seat and brings the engine to life.
A squeal rips from my lips as he spins the wheel and floors it out of the space in front of oncoming cars in both directions.
“Are you fucking insane?” I scream, my heart in my throat as I reach for my seat belt and rush to put it on.
Unsurprisingly, he ignores me as he white-knuckles the wheel and drives through the city like a fucking maniac.
“Put your fucking seat belt on,” I hiss when he shows no sign of calming down as we get closer toward his side of the city.
“Where are we going?”
“You don’t need to worry about me, Siren. You, however, are about to discover hell.”
He glances over at me and my stomach lurches as he takes his eyes off the road.
One look at his speedo tells me that he’s going way too fast even if he was paying attention.
I’ve never been a nervous passenger, but this is testing my fucking limits.
He looks back at the road at the last minute and takes a corner so quickly, I get thrown into the door. Pain explodes in my shoulder and down my arm.
“Will you calm the fuck down?” I scream as he does a seriously dodgy overtake, barely missing the oncoming car.
Rain lashes against the windscreen. The wipers are unable to keep up and our vision is getting worse and worse.
“Nico, please. You’re going to kill us.”
“Then maybe it’s time to start confessing all your sins, Siren,” he taunts.
His face is still pulled tight with anger, a vein in his temple looking dangerously close to popping, and his chest heaves as he throws us back into the main stream of traffic before we collide with a bus.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I shriek. “If I did, I would tell you to stop this insanity.”
A dark and dangerous chuckle rips from his lips.
“I know, Siren. I know what you’re hiding.”
His words blur into one as the lights we were slowing for turn green and he floors the accelerator once more, taking off before all the other cars.
Thankfully, the traffic thins out as we close in on their building, and I just start to relax when I spot a guy up ahead swaying about on the pavement.
“Nico, that guy,” I scream, watching as he stumbles out onto the road.
“Fuck. FUCK,” Nico bellows, yanking the wheel to the right to avoid him.
One second, he has everything under control and I breathe a sigh of relief that we’re not about to kill the guy, but then we hit a puddle and we aquaplane across the road.
Nico frantically turns the wheel to try to get control back as his foot presses the brake as hard as he can.
But it’s no good. It’s over, and I send up a silent prayer that whatever happens next isn’t going to be too painful.
Suddenly, one of the wheels finds some traction and the car begins spinning out of control as my screams fill the space. Not that I hear them—blood is rushing past my ears too fast to register anything but the sheer terror of what’s about to happen.
The moment we collide with something, a building I guess, the sound of crumpling metal turns my blood to ice.