Page 60 of Corrupt Knight
You should have talked to him properly about this,a little unhelpful voice says.
I don’t notice him move until he holds his phone in front of him, making a show of doing something.
Not a second later, the sound of my own phone vibrating in my bag hits my ears and my heart jumps into my throat.
Nico stares back at me, his brows lifting, silently demanding me to look.
Ripping my eyes from his, I take in what’s happening around me, aware that pulling my phone out in class isn’t what I should be doing right now, but my need to know what he’s playing at is too much to deny.
Once I’m happy that Melissa and everyone is distracted, I pull my bag closer and slide my phone out.
I’ve got a few notifications and emails, but I ignore them in favour of Nico’s message.
Although I quickly find that it’s not just a message. It’s a fucking video. And I don’t need to play it to know what it is—the still image staring back at me says it all.
“Fucking arsehole,” I mutter to myself.
Suddenly, dots start bouncing, the movement of the screen startling me as he types.
Nico: I wonder what Mrs. Hendrix would think of you having it off with one of your students in a lift, Miss Andrews?
His words have my stomach plummeting into my feet.
It’s wrong, oh so fucking wrong, but after ensuring my phone is on silent, I hit play.
“Oh my God,” I gasp quietly as I watch Nico slam me against the back wall of the lift before he almost engulfs my smaller body with his, playing me until I cave and fall so deep under his spell that I forget the rest of the world exists.
It’s mesmerising watching us together—so much so that I miss Melissa asking me to put her presentation up.
“Miss Andrews?” she asks for… probably not the first time.
My cheeks heat at being caught, although thankfully from the other side of the classroom.
“Of course, I’m so sorry.”
With a quick wiggle of the mouse, I bring the computer to life, quickly followed by the projector, and put up the first slide for her to talk through.
The second I’m done, my eyes drift to the window once more. But to my surprise, he’s gone.
Relief floods me. I’m not sure I’d have coped with the next two hours if he insisted on standing there watching me like a grade-A stalker.
Feeling a little lighter, I twist around with the intention of refocusing on Melissa’s lesson, but the second I catch sight of the doorway, my world tilts on its axis once more when I find Nico’s imposing body filling the space.
“Ah, Mr. Cirillo, how lovely of you to grace us with your presence,” Melissa quips, clearly unfazed by who Nico is.
I knew I liked her.
Ripping his eyes from mine, his entire expression softens when he looks at her.
“I’m sorry I’m late. Things have been a little…”
“I know,” she assures him. “Come and take a seat. Did you manage to complete the revision tasks I emailed to you?”
I almost laugh out loud at that question, but somehow, I manage to keep any reaction off my face. Or at least, I think I do. Nico’s narrowed eyes when he turns them back on me once more makes me question myself.
But then, he shocks the shit out of me by saying, “Of course, Mrs. Hendrix. It’s right here.” And he pulls a whole stack of paperwork from his bag and slaps it down on the table.