Page 63 of Corrupt Knight
Sitting in class with Brianna looking like a hot-as-fuck teacher that I’d like to… well… fuck was a whole new brand of torture I’d yet to experience. The only bit of satisfaction I got from the entire lesson was that she was entirely unsettled by having me there. Every few seconds her eyes would shoot to me, as if she was terrified that I might do something like publicly announce that I have very intimate knowledge about just how tight her cunt is, or how loud she screams my name when I make her come.
Having that little bit of knowledge locked away ensured the frustration that came with the work I was expected—and struggling—to do was that little more palatable.
“What the fuck, Nic?” Seb says loudly, slapping me around the back of the head before lowering himself beside me with his tray of lunch a second later.
“What?” I grunt, unaware that I’ve done anything recently to specifically piss him off.
“Didn’t want to mention that your regular fuck buddy is now wandering around school making all the virgin pricks come in their pants?”
The thought of anyone looking at her and imagining any of the things I do when my eyes find her sends a shot of jealousy through my veins that I have no right feeling.
She’s not mine, and nor do I want her to be.
“What Brianna does has nothing to do with me,” I spit.
“Oh shit. You didn’t know either, did you?” he asks as Theo joins us.
“What doesn’t Nico know? That jerking off in the common room isn’t accepted?”
“Fuck you, man. It was one time.”
Seb snorts a laugh. “Ah, good times, bro.”
“She wasn’t even that hot.”
“I was having a dry spell and you motherfuckers were meant to be in class. Plus, it’s not like you haven’t got up to shit under this roof.”
“Hell yeah, we have. There’s one massive fucking difference though,” Seb argues.
“Go on,” I prompt.
“We do it with our girls, not like creepy sex-starved losers.”
“Is that why you wanted that footage from the lift? To jerk off over Miss Andrews in your free lessons?” Theo jokes.
“I bet she could teach you some lessons. Wait, what footage?” Seb asks the second he registers Theo’s words.
“Nothing,” I grunt, spearing a chip and stuffing it into my mouth.
“Oh yeah, because I’m totally going to let it slide with that shitty explanation,” he quips, rolling his eyes.
“Nico chased Bri through the building on Friday night and assaulted her in the lift.”
“I didn’t fucking assault her. She was begging for it after sucking my cock in your bathroom,” I point out happily.
“Motherfucker,” Theo hisses under his breath.
“What? It could be worse. Seb fucked Stella on your sofa while you were busy with Em.”
Theo’s face turns tomato red as he stares daggers at Seb.
“You said you did it on the floor,” he barks.
Seb lifts his finger to his mouth and bites down on it as he thinks, making himself look like a complete tosser, but it has the desired effect as steam practically starts billowing from Theo’s ears.
“Floor. Sofa. Wall. Your bed… they all just blur into one, man.” He shrugs and Theo launches himself across the table just as Alex appears and grabs him by the scruff of his neck.