Page 86 of Corrupt Knight
“So… prove it.”
“You’re an arsehole, Nico.” If my insult affects him in any way, then he doesn’t show it.
“Why should I tell you anything, Miss Andrews? I have no reason to trust you. In the past few days, you’ve stolen my credit card, you’ve lied to me about working here, and despite knowing that you were about to be my teacher, you let me fuck you. Do I need to go on, Miss Andrews?”
“Will you stop calling me that?” I hiss, hating the mocking way my name rolls from his tongue.
“Why? It’s your name. Or would you prefer filthy little whore, or dirty lying slut?”
I shoot up out of my chair, my palms slamming down on the tabletop as red-hot anger surges through me.
“Fuck you, Nico. Do you want my help or not?”
He stands, although his movements are much slower and more composed than mine.
His eyes hold mine, and I hate that he can see right beneath my defences. There aren’t many people I’ve met in my life, but damn it, he’s one of them.
“You won’t leave.”
“Won’t I?” I challenge. “I don’t need to be here right now. Mrs. Hendrix offered to take you off my hands so—”
“Yet, here you are. You couldn’t bear for me to spend an hour with her instead of you, could you?”
“You’re talking shit. I just want you to do well.”
“Bullshit. You hate me, remember? Only useful for a good fuck. So why do you care?”
“Because I do. You’re Toby’s friend. You deserve to succeed.”
“That’s nice of you,“ he taunts. “But I think after yesterday, we both know that you don’t really need to be here.”
“Mrs. Hendrix—”
“Bull. Shit.” In a moment of weakness, his eyes drop from mine in favour of my lips and somehow, I realise we’re both closer than we were a few minutes ago. There’s barely half a foot between us despite the table that’s stopping us from colliding. Then, he startles me by demanding, “Sit back down, Siren.” His deep, raspy voice hits me exactly where he intends.
Unable but to do as I’m told, and aware that putting my arse on the chair will help with the space we so desperately need, I follow orders.
“Good girl.”
Goddamn this prick.
His eyes crinkle with amusement.
“Now, I really do want to learn some things in here this afternoon, and I think we need to start with you trying to convince me that I can trust you. Because right now, the evidence isn’t stacked in your favour.”
“How about the fact I know more secrets than you’re probably aware of and yet they have never once left my lips,” I seethe, thinking of all the things I’ve been party to with regards to their ‘business’ since things between Jodie and Toby became serious.
“Ah, now we’re talking,” he says, suddenly looking much more interested in what I have to say.
“Who the hell would I tell, Nico? I don’t exactly have a massive circle.”
“There’s the question. As far as I’m aware, you’ve got a whole harem of fuck buddies. Obviously, they all pale in comparison to me, but we can’t all be gifted like I am.”
“Arrogant much?” I mutter.
“Tell me I’m wrong. I dare you.”
“Brad’s better,” I say happily, aware that I’ve already taunted Nico with Brad’s skills before. He doesn’t need to know that the guy literally bores me to tears and that the only good thing he can do with his mouth is eat me with it.