Page 96 of Corrupt Knight
“Pussy,” I taunt. “When was the last time you got laid so good you couldn’t remember your own name?”
His eyes darken.
“Recently enough that I’m not about to take you up on the offer.”
“Oh?” Toby asks, clearly in the dark about what his friend has been up to recently.
“You know, I don’t need to give you a play-by-play of every person I hook up with.”
“I know. But when? You’ve been with us or at school.”
“Seriously?” Alex hisses.
“Well, are you going to make my day better or not?” I ask, hopefully.
“Not. Sorry, Bri.”
Taking both my wrists in his hands, he pushes me back.
“Ready to go home, Demon?” Toby asks Jodie as I stand there, suddenly feeling like I don’t belong despite the fact we’re in my flat.
“Uh…” Jodie looks back at me with her brows pulled in concern.
“It’s fine. You go and get your brains fucked out by your sexy man. I’ll be okay with Viv the Vibe.”
Alex snorts again. “Viv? You call your vibrator Viv?”
“Why not? What do you call yours?” I ask, glaring at him with my hands on my hips as if he’s actually going to answer that question.
“I don’t need vibrating plastic shit to get myself off,” he scoffs.
“Lucky boy,” I mutter. “Well, don’t say I didn’t offer.”
“Jesus, we should go before she jumps me.”
“What? Don’t you think you can handle me, big boy?”
“Tobes?” he says, looking to his friend for help.
“I can stay if you want,” Jodie offers, ripping through the tension in the room.
“No, I’m good. I’m just going to finish this bottle off,” I say, swiping the half-full bottle that’s left over and tipping it to my lips.
“Maybe you should call it a day and go to bed.”
“Or maybe I should go out dancing. Find someone who isn’t too scared to fuck me.” I shoot Alex a look.
“I’m not scared of you.”
“Sure you’re not.”
“Go to bed, Brianna. Or I’m not leaving.”
“Such a fucking spoilsport,” I mutter. “Fine.” I huff, clutching my bottle and stumbling in the direction of my bedroom.
“I’ll lock the door,” Jodie calls.
I mumble a reply that isn’t even fathomable to my own ears as I crash into my bed.