Page 1 of Surrender
Gadolinium 2723 AD
She panted for breath, chest heaving, then flinched when a rough hand pinched her bare nipple, twisted it cruelly. She’d learned not to cry out or resist in any way. It would only make things worse.
“This one would make a fine addition to any collection.” The voice seemed to come from far away. “High spirited, still a little wild, ready for the right master to tame to fit his own – shall we say – unique needs and desires.”
The hand swept her hair off her shoulders then prodded her with a knuckle poked in the middle of her back, a reminder to thrust her breasts out as she’d been taught to do when she was presented.
She shivered on the platform, naked except for an elaborate golden belt around her waist. It had been specially made for her. A wide strap of supple leather attached to the front fit snugly between her legs narrowed and ran up between her bottom cheeks, fastening to the belt in back. She’d endured several highly invasive and humiliating fittings for it. Now they seemed mild compared to the other torments she’d been subjected to.
“Note the golden mantle,” the voice went on. “It has been eons since we featured one of these at an auction. It signifies that this female has not been used. Ever. Her trainers have examined her and guarantee it.”
Her gaze swept the crowded hall, eyes widened in horror. She’d never seen creatures like these, never knew they existed. Some had insect-like heads sticking up out of segmented bodies covered in armored shells. Other beings shrouded themselves entirely, leaving only their eyes exposed – and their penises, jutting out of openings in the shrouds. Writhing and twisting like snakes.
She lowered her gaze to the floor, afraid if she saw any more, she’d collapse, screaming.
“Turn around.” Though whispered, the command was harsh.
She turned slowly, her back to the room. The spectators roared in approval when they saw red stripes on her rear cheeks from the whipping she’d received earlier. Her trainer held up the long strap made from a mastodon penis. It whistled through the air and landed on her bottom with a sharp crack.
The crowd cheered.
* * *
Star portals have existed since the dawn of time. Doorways between worlds in this galaxy – and others. On Earth, they are found at the convergence of ley lines, those invisible electromagnetic paths crisscrossing the globe. Our ancestors discovered them thousands of years ago and learned to use the portals to travel to the farthest reaches of the cosmos.
Flourishing ancient civilizations didn’t die out. The people of Atlantis, the Sumerians, the Mayans – when tragedy struck their homelands, they simply migrated through the portals to worlds where fresh water flowed, crops grew abundantly, and the climate was nearly perfect.
Human beings descended from our common ancestors are alive today on a trio of planets thousands of light years away. Islands of stability in the universe where vast quantities of natural resources and rare minerals abound.
Neodyma. Iridia. And the icy world farthest from the warmth of the twin suns Phalyx and Zalyx.
Chapter One
Chaos. Everywhere. Throngs of people tore through the streets. Screams and shouts mingled with the clang of sword against sword.
Talia shrank behind the stone column marking the entrance to the portal. A few feet away, Nelson’s lifeless body lay in a crumpled heap. There was no sign of the others.
She’d been the last to enter the portal for transport to Gadolinium. Her entourage had gone ahead so they could formally present her to the king’s representatives when she arrived. But no welcoming statesmen awaited her when she stepped through on the other side. The portal stood unguarded, the chamber empty save for Nelson’s body. The worn stone pavers at her feet bore ominous red stains. She feared the worst for the other members of her party.
Talia crept forward, staying out of sight of the door gaping open. She’d been fitted with the standard Tellex chip before leaving Earth, allowing her to both understand and speak any language she encountered after only a short time of exposure to it. But even with the device, she couldn’t make out more than a few shouted words through the din outside.
Invasion. Surrender. Lordsomething.Balam?
She mentally reviewed the information she’d studied to prepare for this diplomatic posting. There’d been no hint of trouble brewing. King Sigrun was widely regarded as a just and fair ruler of Gadolinium. His subjects were an ancient tribe of humans, descended from Viking warriors who discovered the portal to the third planet of the Seven Stars nearly two thousand years ago.
They had stayed true to the old ways over the millennia, even after being introduced to modern technology. The first team of scientific researchers from Earth sent through the newly rediscovered portal had told them about all the marvels invented to make life easier.
Since modern machines and equipment couldn’t survive the journey intact, the technological advances Earthers described were treated as entertaining myths by the locals. Horse-drawn carts and sailing ships took them anywhere they wanted to go. And from what she’d learned, a roaring fire in the great hall, a fresh mug of ale, and a buxom wench bouncing on a lap were the only comforts the Gadolinian rulers desired.
Compared to the civilization she’d left behind, the people on this world were no better than savages. They solved their disputes with hand-to-hand combat, slaughtered and ate the flesh of animals then wore their skins to keep warm.
Gadolinians still engaged in the ancient practice of sexual intercourse for purposes of procreation. They even indulged in person-to-person contact purely for physical gratification, rather than using far more efficient cyborgs or mechanical devices. Talia had been warned she’d be exposed to various displays of bodily contact, that it was part of their culture. But the directors assured her as the Gadolinian ambassador from Earth, she would never have to endure any unwanted invasion of her personal space.
Talia watched a hulk of a warrior wearing nothing but a loincloth and a fur cloak tossed over his shoulders catch a screaming woman as she fled down the lane. He put a dagger to her throat and dragged her into a dark alley between two buildings on the other side of the street. The assailant grabbed a fistful of her hair and shoved her to her knees in front of him. Talia nearly rushed out the door to spring to the woman’s rescue then stopped dead in her tracks. Without a weapon, she was powerless. The man would slit the throat of his captive first then turn his knife on her – probably after forcing her to perform the same disgusting act.