Page 102 of Indescribable
He nods. “That’s good. He’ll treat you like you deserve. Kills me that I wasn’t the one to do that, though.”
“Wyatt!” Dale shouts. “Time to go.”
“Told him I was going for a walk to clear my head before heading to rehab. Guess it’s time.”
“How long, Wyatt?” I ask.
He blows out a breath. “You really want to know?”
“I think I have the right to know, yes.”
“Two years.”
“Shit. How did I not know?”
“I was good at hiding it. And I didn’t really use much until we separated.”
I shake my head in disbelief. I figured as much, that he’d been using for a while but two years? “This is a good thing, Wyatt. You need to take it seriously.”
With a wry grin, he says, “I’ll try. I’m still not sure it’s what I need, which is probably why I need it, huh?”
The look I give him I hope conveys my thoughts. Yes. He needs rehab.
“Will he let me give you a hug?”
“Brock doesn’t try to control me.”
I give him a brief hug, his head dropping down to my shoulder.
“Get well, Wyatt.”
He nods and steps back. “I will.”
As he walks down the stairs, Brock takes a step forward. They give each other a curt nod as Wyatt walks past him and to Dale’s truck and Brock strides my way, taking the stairs two at a time and pulling me into his arms.
“Are you okay?”
I nestle into his embrace. “I am now.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“He came over to apologize.”
Brock grunts. “And did he?”
“Not at first. But then he did. Dale’s taking him to rehab.”
Brock’s eyebrows shoot to the sky.
“Apparently he’s been using for two years so yeah, I think rehab is necessary.”
“For sure.”
His arms go tight for a second then he releases me. “I have a meeting I need to get to. Are you going to be all right or do you want me to cancel it?”
“I’m all right. I promise.” I lift up on my toes and give him a kiss. “Thank you for coming back and being here for me.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for. This is where I need to be, I’m here, got me?”