Page 112 of Indescribable
This is bullshit. I hate it so much but I’m scared to bring up the solution because I’m scared she’ll shoot it down.
But living apart isn’t working for me anymore.
It’s been a good six months. Okay, that’s a lie. It’s been agreatsix months together, but that’s why I’m ready for something more. I want to merge our things, not choose between whose house we’re going to sleep in every night.
To do that, though, I want a fresh start.
As much as I love my house, I want to build a home with Naomi.
Which means I’m about to ask her to sell her house, and I’ll sell mine, and we’ll buy a house together.
But first… I have another question for her and this one I’m not scared about in the slightest.
I walk into her house, using my key to unlock the front door, and find her in her office, typing away at the next book she’s writing.
She startles when I wrap my arms around her from behind and I chuckle.
She gets so lost in her words that she loses track of time.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey back.”
I smile at our familiar greeting and lean down to give her a kiss.
“What time is it?”
“Six. How much longer do you need?”
“Ten minutes. Just want to finish this scene then I’m all yours.”
I know she is, but it still gets me every time I hear her say that. Or tells me she loves me.
“I’m going to shower quick.”
“Want me to join you?” she asks like the little saucy vixen she is.
“I thought you needed to finish this scene?”
She hits save and shuts down her document. “Not if I have a better offer.”
Thirty minutes later, we’re all squeaky clean and satisfied. She throws on a pair of casual shorts and a t-shirt and I do the same, slipping the gift I have for her in my pocket without her noticing.
“What do you want for dinner tonight?”
I’m glad she asked since I already have a plan. “I was thinking the diner. That work for you?”
“It always works for me.”
Five minutes later, we’re walking into the diner hand-in-hand.
“Well, hello, you two!” Dorothy says, coming around from behind the counter.
“Hi, Dorothy. Looking beautiful as always,” I tell her.
“Oh, you.” She giggles, hitting me playfully on the shoulder. “Take a seat anywhere. It’s strangely quiet in here tonight.”