Page 15 of Indescribable
“Thought you were the one who said to go slowly.”
She shrugs and slides the box of doughnuts and bag of sausage pastries onto the counter. “Doesn’t mean I don’t see the future that should have happened years ago.”
“Yeah,” I agree. “That’s what I see, too. Don’t know if she does.”
Her eyes soften and she reaches across to give my hand a squeeze. “She will if she doesn’t already.”
She rings me up and I pay before saying my goodbye to her. “I’ll talk to you soon. Dinner this weekend still on?”
“As long as this nugget stays where she’s supposed to for a few more weeks we are.”
“Good deal. See ya, Lola.”
“Bye, Brock.”
I turn around to leave with the box of doughnuts and my extra goodies when I almost run into someone who’s simply standing in the doorway.
And that someone isn’t a person I was hoping to see.
“Came to see if you could destroy another marriage?”
“Good to see you, too, Wyatt,” I growl.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that? Saw your truck at my house last night. Now you’re making plans with another married woman?”
Well, that’s not too comforting. Either he was driving by her place or he was sitting out there watching her house. Neither option is good. Naomi lives down a quiet neighborhood street, not a street that anyone drives on to get anywhere. “Not that it’s any of your business, but my truck wasn’t atyourhouse last night. It was at Naomi’s. And I was making plans with a married woman and herhusbandbecause we’re friends.”
“Sure looked a lot more than justfriendlyto me. Then again, that’s how you roll, right? If there’s a ring on her finger, you can’t wait to dig your claws in and see if you can screw it up.”
“See that you’re intent on stirring the shit today but I’ll tell you now, whatever went down between you and Naomi had nothing to do with me. You made it clear that you didn’t feel comfortable with her and I being as close as we were and both of us respected that.”
“Call me cynical, but I highly doubt that.”
“Okay, Cynical.”
He narrows his eyes on me, not amused by the admittedly elementary joke, and emits a noise from the back of his throat that almost makes me laugh. If he’s trying to sound tough and scare me, it isn’t working. I’m simply not the kind of guy who backs down when he’s pushed in a corner. And right now, he’s pushing. Gently, but he’s doing it.
“Got something else to say? ‘Cause if you don’t, I need to get to work. I’ve got a business to run, you know.”
“Right,” he says like a total smart ass. “Business that you just happened upon because your family was smart enough to do the hard work for you and you just went along for the ride, not offering anything.”
I raise my eyebrows and step closer, setting the doughnuts on a table. “You know, for a guy who actuallydoeswork for his family because he didn’t have the drive and is too lazy to go out and get a job on his own, I don’t think you have a lot to say in this matter. From what I see, you barely put in a full’s day work in an entire week.” I shrug, bored with this conversation. “However, even if youdidhave anything to say on the matter, which, again, you don’t, I wouldn’t give a shit because your opinion of me doesn’t mean a whole lot.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“No? Seems as though I do, seeing as I step foot in your business or call to order something there every single day. Never see you or hear your voice. Tell me, Wyatt, what are you so busy with during the day that you can’t show your face at work?”
“As I said earlier, you have no idea what you’re talking about or who you’re messing with. I’ll admit, though, now that I see how obsessed you are with my daily whereabouts, maybe it was me you were after when you were breaking up my marriage rather than Naomi.”
His words are meant to piss me off but they only make me laugh. I take a step closer and say lowly, “In your dreams.”
I grab the doughnuts, hearing Lola’s quiet giggle behind me, brush by Wyatt, clearing the door before I hear him call my name. I turn around and don’t like the look on his face when I do. “Stay away from her. I’m warning you. I know you’ve been just sitting around waiting for her to be single but no way am I walking away. She’ll be mine again. Mark my words. She was mine for fifteen years and those feelings don’t go away. For either of us,” he emphasizes with a smarmy grin. “She still loves me and I’ll tell you now, if you try to get in there, you won’t like the results. I may have signed the papers but I’m not going away or down without a fight.”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. She’s no longer yours, hasn’t been yours for a while. After seeing how happy she was last night, I daresay you’re the one who’s going to be unhappy with the results if you think you still have a claim to her heart.” I give him a broad smile even though he’s glaring at me. “Have a nice day, Wyatt.”
With that, I spin back around and walk to my truck, hauling myself up into it and take my phone from my pocket.