Page 57 of Indescribable
“One of each,” I decide before Naomi can say anything. “And a couple bowls of ice cream if you’ve got it.”
“We always do.”
“I love this place so much,” Naomi sighs. “Pie and ice cream at nine at night in a basically empty restaurant with some of my favorite company. Could it get any better than this?”
Maybe if we were completely alone in my house and stripping out of our clothes.
“Nope. Doesn’t get better.”
With our pie, ice cream, and coffee in front of us, we dive in. We used to share food all the time but it’s been a while since we’ve done something like this, for obvious reasons. In fact, we used to be regulars here for pie and ice cream or in the winter we’d have this giant chocolate chip cookie that was filled with brownie batter and covered in hot fudge.
“I used to think Dorothy’s peach pie was my favorite,” Naomi mentions, speaking of the long-time owner of the diner. “But I don’t know. This cherry is fabulous.”
Nodding and swallowing a bite of the cherry pie myself, I agree. “It’s pretty damn good.”
“I’m glad we’re walking so I can walk this off.”
“Like you need to worry. You look incredible. Always have.” The words are out of my mouth before I can think twice but I don’t regret it. Not when I see the look on her face.
“Well, if it isn’t my two favorite customers! Back together again!” Dorothy cheers, walking out from behind the counter with her cane. She’s easily in her mid-eighties but works at the diner daily.
“Hi, Dorothy. How are you?”
“Getting along. This hip has me feeling a little irked because it slows me down but what are ya gonna do? The doctor told me I’m getting old and that I’ll need a replacement but I’m holding out. Enough about me, though. I’m boring. Tell me, are you enjoying your dessert? I just love seeing you two in here together again.”
“Definitely,” Naomi tells her. “I think the cherry pie is my new favorite.”
Dorothy’s eyes sparkle. “You like that? My great niece made it. She just moved to town and has been helping me out some in the kitchen. Poor thing never had a chance to growing up. Her parents hadpeoplefor that, ya know.” The way she says people is like she just tasted something sour.
“Well, she has talent. It’s delicious.”
“Can you believe that she never made a pie crust until a few weeks ago when she asked me to show her?”
Our eyes go wide. “Wow. You must be a good teacher.”
Dorothy beams and pushes on my shoulder so she can scooch into the booth beside me. “I’ll take that compliment. What are you two doing out so late?”
“It’s not that late,” I tell her, draping my arm along the back of the booth so it’s behind her and turning so I can face her. “I could be asking you the same thing. Got some young buck in the back whose heart you’re breaking?”
She gasps and puts a finger to her lips. “Shh. Don’t let the other customers hear you! They’ll know all my secrets.”
“Wouldn’t want that now, would we?” I give her a wink and her cheeks grow red.
She giggles a little and taps me on the leg. “Oh, Brock, you’re such a flirt. Don’t go wasting that cuteness and charm on me, boy. You’ve got girls your own age to use that on.”
“Come on now, maybe I like the more mature ladies.”
Naomi snorts. “You need a mature lady to counteract for your immaturity.”
Placing a hand on my chest, I feign offense. “You wound me. Just because I budge in line for games during the festivals doesn’t mean I’m immature.”
“Tell that to the kids you argue with.”
“I don’t argue with them. I just remind them that I’m bigger and it’s nice to let their elders go first.”
The ladies both laugh at me and I take another bite of the mixed berry pie. “You say the cherry is the best but I’m thinking this one is.”
“That’d be my niece’s work, too,” Dorothy tells us with pride.