Page 7 of Indescribable
“What?” I exclaim. If the whiskey had still been in my mouth, it would have spewed all over Corbin. That didn’t make me angry like I expected but it doesn’t thrill me, either. That sucks. I know how much Naomi wanted to have a baby with him. Well, before they were separated, I guess. “Wait, is that why they got a divorce? I’m confused.”
She nods then shakes her head. “In a weird way, it’s part of it. Not on her part,” she’s quick to add. “It was just what started the problems, I think.”
“I have no idea what that means.”
“I know, I know. But I promised Naomi that I would let her tell you the rest.”
“This is crazy. Honestly, I can’t believe she went through with it. I figured after so much time had passed she’d changed her mind.”
Corbin sits down again. “Yeah. I was a little surprised it actually happened, too,” she admits. “I mean, I wasn’t, but I was? Does that make sense? I agree, so much time had passed that I thought maybe they’d work things out but not so much. She’s… well, she’s Naomi. She doesn’t give up easily, not to say that getting the divorce was her giving up, but… hell, you know what I mean, right?”
I nod. “Yeah. I get what you’re saying.”
“I’m sorry I burst in here like this. I probably shouldn’t have been that excited but this was such a long time coming and she seemed happier than she’s seemed in far too long.”
I look her straight in the eyes because if there’s anything about Corbin that I’ve learned from knowing her myentirelife, it’s that her eyes are her tell. She can’t lie for shit because her eyes always give her away. Her left eye twitches so violently it looks like she’s trying to wink rapidly. “Is she happy?”
“She is.” No rapid eye movement on her part, which is such a relief I have to bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. Because this is huge. And Corbin would see right through my smile.
Blowing out a breath, I sit back in my seat, rocking back and forth as I stare at the wall. “That’s all that matters.”
Corbin claps her hands together once, commanding my attention. In typical Corbin fashion, she’s able to just put the conversation we had behind her and she announces, “Okay, time to switch gears. Let’s get to work.”
We spend the next thirty minutes discussing work and I cave, letting her help me organize the chaos a little bit, too. Partly because I know I won’t be able to focus on work at all with the bomb she just dropped on my lap and partly because, as much as I hate to admit it, she’s right that my office is an absolute disaster area.
But even work can’t distract me from the fact that…
Naomi is single.
Should that make me happy? Probably not. She just got a divorce and no matter what Corbin says, that isn’t something Naomi’s probably thrilled about.
But I can’t stop my heart from beating a little too fast or the way my pulse picks up at the thought that maybe, just maybe, when she’s ready to move on, it’s our time.
After all these years of unrequited love on my part, I have hope that we have a future that’s based on more than friendship.
A friendship that we need to rebuild after Wyatt put the brakes on us.
I guess I am a little happy.
And I don’t really care what that says about me.
After lunch with Corbin, I make a stop at the grocery store. The minute I step inside, though, my steps falter. I’ve never grocery shopped for just me and I’m not even sure how to do it.
Buying for two people I was used to. Even through the separation and Wyatt was living in the house with me, we didn’t go as far as to put names on our food or anything of the sort. If I made dinner, most often he would eat it, too, and vice versa. Not always, but often enough.
And then a realization hits me.
I don’thaveto consider anyone else in what I purchase. And not just for groceries. If I want a new car, and can afford it, I can buy it. If I want new furniture for the house or to paint the walls a different color, it’s my choice.
The giddiness hits me unexpectantly and I find myself practically skipping behind the shopping cart as I go through the aisles with a fresh set of eyes.
I haven’t had shellfish in years because Wyatt has a severe allergy to it so my first stop is the meat counter where I get some shrimp and salmon as well. Wyatt wasn’t allergic to salmon, just never cared for it so I rarely bought it.
I’m all over the store, up and down aisles with no rhyme or reason at all. If someone is watching me on the camera, they’d think this was the first time I’ve ever grocery shopped before. I can’t help it, though. I’m too excited and came without a list. I’m also hungry, even though I ate a few hours ago. Never grocery shop when hungry. I should know this.