Page 70 of Indescribable
He stands up and extends a hand down to me. “Let’s head back to town.”
“Evading the question?” I joke, brushing off my butt.
“You know me so well, what do you think?”
“You know what I think?” I stop walking and tug on his hand. He turns to look at me and I pray I have more courage left in me. After the day I’ve had, I only want to know that there’s a bigger future for me than fighting with Wyatt every day. “Your mom was right.”
“Do I even want to know what she was right about?”
“Probably not.”
“Tell me anyway.”
I swallow hard and hold his eyes. “That I’ve held your heart for a long time.”
His chest rises and falls and he takes a step closer. “She said that?”
“She did. Is there truth to it?”
I bite my lower lip when he doesn’t respond. Maybe Leah was way off. Maybe I’ve been building this crush up in my mind and it made me believe he had the same feelings for me.
“There was something else she said.”
“Do you think she’s right about that, too?”
“She said I’m finally realizing that you’ve held mine, too. I married Wyatt for the right reasons, I won’t deny that or take that away from my marriage. But looking back, I also can’t deny that there was something missing. Why else would I be this happy after getting divorced? He wasn’t the right man for me.”
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
“I think you do.”
He takes a deep breath and a final step, placing a hand on my cheek. “I’ve held my tongue for too many years. The day I watched you marry Wyatt, my heart broke, but I was willing to live with the heartbreak if you were happy.”
“So you stepped aside.”
“I did. And after you and Wyatt signed divorce papers, I told myself to give you time to be ready before I told you how I felt. I would never want to rush you. The divorce –”
I put a hand on his chest, feeling his heart thumping beneath my palm. “Is done. My heart was divorced from Wyatt long before we signed the papers. The day I found out he cheated, I checked out. When I discovered he’d been doing it for long before I found out, I should have been devastated but I wasn’t. I was over it. Over our marriage. Signing those divorce papers was easy for me. The only regret I have is not doing it sooner.”
He looks at the ground between us and I watch as his shoulders rise and fall. “I have one big regret in my life.”
“What’s that?”
“Not telling you before you walked down the aisle. My brothers told me to but I couldn’t do that to you. You were getting married and I felt it in my bones it was to the wrong man, but I wasn’t brave enough to stop it because I couldn’t risk losing you.”
“You felt this… then?”
He nods and if I’m not mistaken, he looks nervous.
“Today has been a lot to take in. I don’t want to add to that even more than I already have.”
I tilt my head to the side and look at him from under my lashes. “Maybe I want to have something better to remember about this day.”