Page 107 of Effortless
“Uh oh.”
“It’s been… interesting to say the least.”
“Sounds like it.”
“Are you able to catch Brooklyn’s eye? I wouldn’t mind talking to her quickly.”
“Sure. Hang on.”
I stick two fingers in my mouth and let out a loud whistle. Cody immediately turns his head, recognizing the sound.
I gesture to him to get Brooklyn and he nods, moving through the crowd to get to her. He points at me and I lift my phone in the air.
She crawls over other students to get to the aisle.
“She’s coming. You’re sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll be home by the time you get there so yes, I’m okay.”
“Good. See you soon, then?”
“Here’s Brooklyn.” I hand the phone to her and say, “It’s your mom.”
I see relief wash over her face and she grabs the phone from my hand. “Mom? Where have you been?”
She listens intently, plugging one ear so she can hear better when the crowd starts to get loud from the players entering the stadium again.
Cody’s watching us rather than the field and I give him the thumb’s up, hoping he understands all is good and he doesn’t need to worry.
“You’re home?” Brooklyn asks and she nods. “Oh, okay. But you’ll be there when we get home?”
I place a hand on her shoulder and give her a squeeze and she tucks in close to me. “Good. I miss you, too.” There’s a pause then, “Yeah, it’s a good game. We’re up by seven now.” Another pause. “Okay, I will. Love you, too, Mom.”
She hangs up and hands the phone back to me.
“Good to hear her voice?”
“I agree.”
“Thanks, Cash,” she says, wrapping her little arms around me and giving me a tight hug.
“You’re welcome, honey.” I kiss the top of her head. “Game’s about to start back up. You need anything to eat or drink while you’re up?”
She shakes her head. “I still have some Coke left and Cody got me a candy bar earlier.”
“Oh, to be young again. Eating candy bars and drinking caffeine this late?”
She laughs and shoves me. “You’re so old.”
I place a hand on my chest and stagger backward. “You wound me.”
With a grin she returns to her seat by her friends. I watch as Cody and her make eye contact, nodding at each other in some unspoken code.
It’s so easy for me to picture her as a permanent part of our family. She’s fitting right in, just like Hadley has. And, because they’ve pushed their way in and none of us mind, so have Trotter and Logan.