Page 114 of Effortless
My body goes lax as we come down from our highs, his chest pressed against my back.
He slowly pulls out and then removes the plug.
As full as I felt moments ago, now I feel completely empty.
He unties my hands, tracing my skin with the silky ribbon before dropping it on the counter.
“That was unexpected,” I finally say when I’ve gotten my breath.
“Good or bad unexpected?”
I turn to face him, a little weak in the knees.
“Definitely good.”
He smiles my favorite smile. The one where I see a very tiny dimple pop in his left cheek.
“Want to take a bath?”
“Of course together.”
I bite my lower lip and nod. “Absolutely.”
“Are you sure it’s okay if Dad joins us for Thanksgiving?” Hadley asks. We’re in the kitchen, prepping the sides Mom asked us to bring for dinner and her dad is in the shower.
“Now’s not really the best time to question that,” I point out, gesturing toward the guest bathroom with my head.
“I know.” She drops her head. “But I don’t want to just assume.”
“Stop questioning it. Mom is happy to have him join the family. The more the merrier, according to her. Stone smoked a huge turkey and Mom’s roasting one. They’re excited to meet your father.”
“Don’t even worry about the past with him, you hear me? They don’t hold it against him because what’s in the past is done. It’s how he’s moving forward that they care about.”
He’s truly become the father she never had since that day she bailed him and Celeste out of jail. He sees what he missed all those years and doesn’t take her time with him now for granted. Robert may not have been father of the year while Hadley was growing up, but he’s making up for it now.
He even purchased two pieces of land. I’m not sure what he’s doing with one, but the other he’s building a house on. At first Hadley objected to it, afraid he was going to build some huge. colossal home, but he swore it wasn’t what he wanted. He’s not even planning to live in Red Oak full time.
Robert’s plans are to keep living in Chicago but have a second home here in Red Oak so he has a place to stay when he visits.
Seems a little excessive to me, but hey, he has the money and if that’s what he wants, so be it.
“He really has changed, don’t you think?”
I nod. “Even that day in the diner, before he got thrown in the slammer in Nashville,” I smirk, “I noticed it. I could tell you got through to him that day.”
“It makes me wonder if it’s been there all along, but my mom was always in his ear, you know?”
I shrug. “I’ve thought the same.”
She sighs. “You think he and Stone will get along?”