Page 21 of Effortless
Cody shrugs and follows me to the kitchen.
“So this is where the magic happens, huh?” he says, stance wide and hands on his hips.
My smile is genuine again and I chuckle. “That it is.” In a quiet voice I add, “Listen, Brooklyn could use your brand of funny for a bit. I promise I’ll explain everything later if you can promise not to ask questions for the time being and just be her friend.”
It’s then he notices Brooklyn looks like she’s about to throw up in the corner of the kitchen and without delay he moves to her side. “Can we go to the office?” he asks.
“Absolutely. Hang out. Tell Franky what you want to eat and he’ll bring it to you.”
“Double cheeseburger with just pickles, Franky. Extra fries. And I think I need a big piece of pie, too. You want anything, Brooky?”
Brooky. That’s kind of cute.
She shakes her head but Franky says, “How about I make you a burger, too?”
Brooklyn shrugs and Cody grabs her hand, tugging her along to the office. “Come on. Let’s get into some mischief in your mom’s office.”
That gets us a tiny smile from her and I know Cody will help take her mind off the fact her grandparents, who never treated her in a loving, cozy, grandparent sort of way, are likely waiting to see her as well.
When I return to the dining room, I stop dead in my tracks again when I see the Lake boys are ushering customers out. Cashing out customers and putting food in to-go containers for those who haven’t finished their meals.
It’s not exactly ideal for business but I can’t be mad about it either.
Cash catches my eye and moves to me, leaning in close. “Your parents?” he asks in a low murmur.
I nod slowly, noticing they’re watching our interaction closely.
“Figured as much. No one that stuffy comes in here and I could tell they’re making you uncomfortable. Want us to get them out of here?”
“That’s okay. Were the customers mad you kicked them out?”
He offers me a sexy grin. “We used our charm and explained there’s a family emergency and we needed to clear the place out. I’m sure there will be rumors spread of Dorothy having a heart attack or somethin’ but figured the family emergency excuse wasn’t a total lie so we’ll deal with the blow back later.”
I blow out a breath and watch as the last of the customers leave, a few of them offering me sympathetic smiles.
“Thank you.”
His hand drifts down my arm and he gives my hand a squeeze. “We’re not leaving. We’ll go in the back if you want, but we’re not going anywhere. Got that? Don’t know why they’re here but by the look on your face and the way you’ve been running around here like a chicken with its head cut off, I assume it was a surprise and not a pleasant one. So we’re staying put in case you need us.”
“That’s not nece…”
“It is. Cody with Brooklyn?” he asks in a whisper.
I nod.
“Good. Go sit. Need a drink? Shot of tequila, maybe?” he teases with a smile.
“Maybe the bottle?”
“Later. Go. Deal with that.”
I swallow hard and blow out a breath before walking to my parents’ table and taking a seat. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Cash and his brothers take a seat at the far table. They’re not completely out of earshot but they’re not so close they can listen in easily to what I’m sure is going to be an uncomfortable conversation.
“That your boyfriend?” Mom asks with a sneer, staring down Cash. No hello or I missed you or how’s it going.
“Sure seems that way,” she says, still looking at Cash and his brothers. I’m sure to her they look like nobodies in their jeans, dusty boots, and t-shirts.