Page 28 of Effortless
“Uh… I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be waiting,” he tells me.
I hustle out of the office and skid around the corner just as Brooklyn and Hadley are walking through the front door. Corbin watches me with a ‘what the hell is wrong with you’ look on her face.
“I’m hungry,” I answer her non-question.
She rolls her eyes and snorts. “When aren’t you hungry?” In my family, it’s not a secret that I like to eat. A lot. Snacks. Meals. More snacks. If there’s food, it’s not safe from me so I knew my excuse wouldn’t raise too many questions.
Corbin shifts her attention to Hadley who set all the takeout containers on the counter. “He convinced you to deliver his food now? How am I not surprised? I swear the guy will be on his death bed asking for Mom’s carbonara.”
My mouth waters just thinking of my favorite meal. “Damn it, Cor, why did you have to bring it up? Now I’m going to have to call Mom to make it for me.”
“Oh my gosh,” she groans, “you’re such a baby! Make it yourself.”
“It’s not the same. She makes it with love.”
Corbin blinks at me before getting back to work, dismissing me completely.
I shift my attention to Hadley to say hello and thank her for bringing us a late lunch just as Brock and Boone come up behind me, Boone rubbing his hands together. “I’m just here for Hadley’s pie.”
I shoot him a dirty look that he ignores.
“You all really like pie, huh?” Brooklyn says.
“They like anything. Literally. They’re like human garbage disposals,” Corbin announces as she’s typing away on her computer.
“We’re growing boys!” Brock argues.
“Whatever. You’re boys, but far from grown up.”
Her point is proved as Brock shoves Boone out of the way, trying to steal two foam containers that hold the slices of pie.
“Not a chance.” Boone shoves him right back and cracks open the container he’s cradling against his chest, shoving a piece of pie in his mouth like it’s a slice of pizza.
“I promise we sometimes have manners.”
“Rarely,” Brock says around a mouthful of his burger. “Damn, that’s good. Thanks, ladies!” he hollers, food in his hands as he walks back to his office.
“Corbin, I’m not taking any calls until I finish eating.”
“I’m not your receptionist!” she yells at Boone.
“Right, but I’ve always wanted to say that.”
Hadley starts giggling and I shake my head at my brothers. They’re so obnoxious.
Corbin’s phone buzzes and I hear Boone’s voice over the intercom, “Hold my calls, please.”
“Shove it, Boone!” Corbin smarts back.
Seriously. They’resoobnoxious.
“I apologize for basically every word that comes out of their mouths at any given time. They’re not okay.”
Hadley smiles and damn if it doesn’t almost take my breath away. “They’re fine. I didn’t realize families could have fun together like this. I can’t believe you all work together.”
“I deserve an award, right?” Corbin says.