Page 72 of Effortless
I peek inside the bag and grin. “Chocolate cake?”
She nods. “Triple chocolate layered cake, actually.”
“You talked to my mom.”
“A lady never tells her secrets.”
“Come on. Let’s put this in the kitchen. I’m going simple tonight. Macaroni and cheese and hot dogs.”
“And you talked to Dorothy.”
I look at her over my shoulder. “A gentleman never tells his secrets.”
“Seems we had the same idea about tonight.”
I hope her ideas include making out like a couple of teenagers on my couch later on. Because mine certainly do.
“Want a drink? I have a bottle of wine Corbin recommended because I’m not a wine drinker. Beer. Soda. Water.”
“I’ll take a beer, actually. As long as it’s not an IPA or super dark brew.”
I reach into the fridge and grab a couple bottles of a local brew that’s pretty light and pop the top off both before handing one to her.
I clink my bottle against hers and say, “To reconnections.”
“And possibilities,” she adds.
We take a drink, eyes on each other, and I think her addition was absolutely perfect. Possibilities.
“Is there anything I can help with?”
“Nope. Sit back and relax. You’ve been running hard the last few weeks and it’s time for you to soak in someone doing something for you.”
She takes a seat on a bar stool and props her feet up on the one next to it. “Ahh. Don’t mind if I do,” she sighs.
“Guess I don’t need to tell you to get comfortable,” I tease.
“Nope. I don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth. You tell me you’re taking care of it, I won’t argue.”
“I was going to grill the hot dogs. Would you rather I just boil them?”
“Boil ‘em. It’s easier.”
“I can do that.”
We make small talk as I finish the cheese sauce for the macaroni and cheese and boil the hot dogs.
“Trotter and Logan are looking for a place in Nashville,” she explains. “They asked if Brooklyn could join them tomorrow when they look at a couple houses.”
“Does she want to go?”
“She said she would. And she’s staying at their hotel with them tonight. They’re going to eat in Gatlinburg at the pizza place your sister recommended then go back to the hotel to swim.”
So, she’s free the entire night.
“That sounds like fun.”
Hadley looks at me from under her thick black lashes, her eyes twinkling. “Mm hmm.”