Page 17 of A Kiss of Frost
“Even compared to what I’m sure is far superior Tandroki food?” she couldn’t resist asking.
“There is no comparison. For us, food is simply sustenance. A balanced diet is provided in the form of pills or nutritional supplements.”
“That’s all you eat? Even on special occasions?”
“For formal occasions, food is chosen for its rarity or its visual appeal. Taste is not a consideration.”
She shuddered.
“That sounds terrible. This is just basic cooking but it sounds much better than either of those options.”
“I believe it is far from basic.”
He was looking at her again, his eyes warm, and she could feel herself blushing. Walking over to the window, she cracked open the shutter. Of course there was no glass in the window, but despite a few flakes of snow, she welcomed the cool air against her flushed face before she remembered her patient.
“Is that all right? Are you cold?”
“Not at all. My survival suit keeps me warm.”
He gestured at the form fitting white garment that he wore, and she followed his gesture, doing her best not to linger at the bulge between his legs, clearly visible even in a seated position. Could it really be as outsized as it appeared? Was it as long and agile as his tongue? She hastily snatched her gaze away, doing her best to ignore the tingle of arousal at her thoughts. His head was tilted again, as if studying her reaction, and she quickly took refuge in the previous subject.
“I’m actually surprised at how much I have to work with. Johnny is so thin that I thought he was starving himself to feed the children, but he was right, there’s a lot of food. It’s strange though. It seems to have accumulated over a number of years.”
“Why is that strange?”
“As we discussed, this is a colony planet. Life has not been easy and even though things are better now, it’s unlikely that anyone would leave a supply of food behind when they moved on.”
“Perhaps they intended to return.”
“Maybe. But this valley doesn’t have a good reputation. It’s almost as if they were scared into leaving.”
An icy finger seemed to sweep down her spine and she quickly returned to the window to close the shutter again.
“I will not allow any harm to come to you,” he assured her.
She could hear the sincerity in his voice, but considering that he was barely capable of sitting up, it wasn’t quite as reassuring as she would have wished. Perhaps her expression revealed her doubts because his face suddenly hardened. He cast the plate aside and rose to his feet, joining her at the window with shocking speed. He threw open the heavy shutters with terrifying ease to reveal the empty, snow-covered alley before slamming them shut and turning to her with a triumphant smile.
“Never underestimate a Tandroki warrior.”
But then his smile faded and his already pale face turned even whiter. She hastily grabbed his arm, placing it over her shoulder as she put her other arm around his waist. She could tell he was fighting it, but then he sagged against her and let her bear some of his weight as she eased him back towards the bed.
He collapsed back against it, his arm around her shoulders once more bringing her down on top of him. This time she was between his legs and his cock rested directly against her, leaving no doubt that it was just as massive as she had thought. Her eyes had not deceived her.
His arm was still around her shoulders and those strange blue eyes gleamed at her despite his obvious exhaustion. His cock flexed and for a second she was tempted to respond, to press her suddenly swollen and aching clit directly against that thick length.
“Whath the matter with Jack Froth? And why ith he hugging you?”
Lorna’s voice interrupted the moment, and she jumped up, knowing her face was flaming once again.
“A Tandroki warrior should know better than to overexert himself,” she told him sternly, before turning to smile at the little girl.
“He thought he was feeling better but he’s still a little sick.”
“Ith that why you were hugging him? To make him feel better?”
Unable to think of a better explanation, she simply nodded, and Lorna’s face lit up.
“I can do that.”