Page 35 of A Kiss of Frost
“Another wreck, you mean?” she asked hopefully.
“Probably. But it was possible that I could repair it using the nanites.”
“You couldn’t repair your own ship?”
He stiffened again, but she waited patiently.
“It was not my ship,” he said at last. “It belonged to Ambassador Nicholsarian. I have no doubt that he will repair it and leave this planet with all due haste.”
“Without you? Why?”
“I was not invited on board,” he blurted out. “I told you that I was not a proper Tandroki warrior.”
“You mean you were a stowaway? In hiding?”
“I am afraid so. I know that such behavior is unacceptable. I should have told you sooner and I understand if you wish to leave me.”
His voice was cold and formal once more, but she knew him well enough now to hear that note of desolation beneath the formality.
“First of all, I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to because of the storm. But I don’t want to, Jack. It wouldn’t have made any difference to me earlier and it makes no difference to me now. I’m not concerned about the past. All that matters to me is the way you are with me and with the children. As far as I’m concerned you are the finest example of a Tandroki warrior.”
His breath caught, and then he was kissing her, urgently, frantically, his amazingly talented tongue reawakening her arousal. Their bodies slid together beneath the water and he made an impatient noise, then carried her back out of the pool and laid her down on the moss once more. His mouth moved to her neck, licking and sucking at the still swollen bite mark and sending flames of desire straight to her aching clit.
He moved to her breasts and this was no gentle, thorough exploration. His mouth was hot and hard and demanding, sucking and tugging until her nipples were swollen and distended before moving between her legs and impatiently pushing her thighs apart. He growled, and then his mouth descended over her clit, his tongue wrapping around the swollen, aching bud, and the world sheeted white as she came in wave after helpless wave of pleasure.
He sent her flying straight into another climax before thrusting his tongue inside her, eagerly lapping at the signs of her arousal and stroking the sensitive insides of her channel. A third climax hovered just out of reach, and then he was gone.
She cried out in protest and he returned, spearing her with his cock in one long, hard, aching thrust. His face hovered over her, handsome, alien, and beloved, the gleam of the plants reflecting on those towering horns as he drove into her helpless body. All she could do was cling to him as he drew yet another climax from her before his own overtook him.
Once again he buried his face in her neck, not to bite, but to lick slowly and sensually at the mark he had left. Her lips curved in an unexpected rush of happiness as she hugged him against her.
“Now I need another bath,” she murmured teasingly, and he raised his head and smiled down at her.
“Then you shall have it.”
He carried her back to the pool, entering more circumspectly this time, and they snuggled together in the warm swirling water. There was no soap of course but one of the plants had a pleasant, herbal smell and a slippery sap that left her skin feeling cool and refreshed as they finally returned to the bed of moss.
She expected to fall asleep immediately, but found her mind returning to the children. Despite sending Keffi with their message, she couldn’t help but worry about them.
“How long do you think the storm will last?” she asked.
“I don’t know, but I suspect that means you wish me to check.”
“Would you mind? If it wasn’t for the children, I would be perfectly happy to remain here, but I can’t help being concerned.”
“I understand. I will return shortly.”
She watched regretfully as he pulled his white garment back on, kissed her and disappeared out of the cave. He was as good as his word, returning almost immediately.
“Night has fallen, but the storm has passed. Shall we go home?”
Home.She smiled up at him.
“Yes please.”
“Very well.”
He pulled at her feet and insisted on helping her dress, thereby lengthening the process considerably since he insisted on kissing each part of her body before covering it with clothing. When she was finally fully dressed, and decidedly aroused, he grinned down at her.