Page 23 of Hell's Gates
“Go talk to your other hookup, Jake. I’ve got places to be.”
I take the steps two at a time as I hurry to my car, getting on the road, back tohim.
* * *
I’m sittingin the empty parking lot watching the crew break down Hell’s Gates one piece at a time.
Walking up to the entrance, I suddenly panic. What if he doesn’t want to see me? What if I ask for him, and he pretends not to be here?
My anxiety is getting the best of me when a kind female voice calls to me.
I’m pulled out of my trance, but it takes me a moment to get my thoughts straight.
“Miss?” she asks again.
“Yes, hi. Sorry. I am looking for Lucas,” I explain.
“Is he expecting you?”
“No, I just wanted a quick moment to tell him bye before y’all are gone.”
She gives me a look of understanding before pulling out her phone, clicking something I can’t see, and bringing it to her ear.
“Hey, someone is up here at the gates asking for you. Yeah, she’s a beauty.” She pulls the phone from her face with a look of confusion. “I think he’s on his way. Just wait here.” She gives me a tight smile before walking away.
My gaze travels around, taking in the look of this place in the daytime. It’s not scary at all without the cover of night. But that’s not the only thing.
Walking toward me is my monster, but he looks nothing like he did last night. The elaborate costume is changed out for distressed jeans and a shirt that had to have been washed well over a thousand times.
It looks soft enough to fall apart at the wrong touch, some spots almost see-through.
His left arm is decked out in a full sleeve of tattoos that connect to something on his chest that I can only see a glimpse of sticking out of the V-neck.
His face is clean of makeup and fake blood, and his eyes… Oh, his eyes. The white contacts are gone, and I can see they’re the color of melted chocolate.
He was mysterious and fun last night, but in the daylight, my monster is beautiful.
“Alexis…” He hurries over to scoop me into a big hug.
My heart tightens.
“This is a wonderful surprise, but is everything okay?” His voice is the same, deep and delicious. His eyes stare deep into mine.
“Yes, everything is good. I just wanted to see you before you left.” There is no point in lying.
He gives me a boyish smile.
“I can’t chat long, sweetness. We have a lot of work to do. But this was a wonderful surprise.” He grabs my hand, pulling me to him. “I want you to promise me something.”
“I want you to remember last night and compare it to every new guy you meet. If he isn’t treating you like a prize, isn’t putting your pleasure first, or he breaks your trust, I want you to ditch that motherfucker like the trash he is.” He grips my chin to hold my gaze in place with his. “Because if I could stay, I would. You would be mine forever, and I would remind you every single day how special you are. But since I can't, I want to make sure you remember.”
My chest hurts with the ache that if he could, he would.
“I’ll remember.” I kiss him sweetly, a way to say goodbye.
“When we come back, if you’re not with someone, promise you’ll come find me.”
I nod, unable to speak since my throat is tight with unshed tears.
“Goodbye, my pet. I’ll miss you.” He kisses me on the head before walking away.
“Goodbye, Mr. Monster.”
I turn and head back toward my car, already counting down the days till next Halloween.
The End