Page 4 of Hell's Gates
“I’m not leaving you here all cooped up and alone, trying to throw yourself into a sugar coma. And I am also not leaving any tickets unused, so you’re going. Besides, you deserve a night to let loose. Be a little spontaneous.”
I look to Jay for help, but he just shrugs like,What are we gonna do?
“Fine. I better not regret this.”
“You won’t!” Her voice gets all high and excited at the end, as she rushes to her closet to figure out what she’s wearing.
This is going to be interesting.
Imindlessly listen to the beeps as the guests in front of us are scanned through.
I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. I am not afraid.
At least that’s what I keep telling myself as a fear that reminds me of childhood looms over me like a bad omen.
Why did I let Kate drag me along?
I’ve heard her and Jay talk about their nights coming here over the years, and it always left my eyes wide and my stomach clenched.
I’m the opposite of an adrenaline junky. I watch the same shows and movies, I read romance because I like knowing there is going to be a good ending when I get there.
This place is pure spontaneity. The risk of someone waiting for you is around every corner.
My breaths are growing short and hollow. A hand grabs my elbow, and I jump.
“Hey, it’s just me,” Kate whispers, as not to draw too much attention from the people around us.
“Sorry.” My voice is shaky.
She pulls me to her chest. I’ve got a solid few inches on her, but it still helps. “Everything is going to be fine, Lexi. I promise.”
She’s still holding on to me as the line moves forward. My fingers fiddle with a lock of my hair as I focus on calming my breathing.
We are two groups away from the gates.
The details of this event are unreal. Everything is built in a matter of forty eight hours for the event to last one week, only to be broken down all over again. The main entrance where they scan the tickets as well as do bag checks are made to look like steel, aged over hundreds of years. Rusted and mossy.
The people who work here—aside from the scare actors, I’m sure—are dressed in all black with nothing but the name of the haunted attraction plastered across their chests.
Hell’s Gates.
They travel all over the country, and tonight is the last show. Jay said we lucked out this year getting them on Halloween.
The final performance is said to be the most intense. They want to leave the crowd with something to remember.
I’m standing behind Kate as I watch the woman dressed in black scan our tickets resting in Jay’s hand.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
“Have a haunting good time.” Her voice is too sweet for this environment.
We step into the darkness and fog. My heart starts to pick up the pace again as I listen to the surprised shouts and haunting melodies that surround us as we move deeper into the crowd.
“Let’s get Lexi something to snack on before we go into any of the haunted houses. I don’t want her to pass out.”
Why do I feel like that could be foreshadowing of my evening?