Page 7 of Hell's Gates
Where is everyone? Why did they leave me here?
The sound grows muffled, like someone has put a bag over my head. My vision tunnels, and I feel like I’m going to pass out. It all starts to grow dark, when white eyes meet mine.
“Breathe for me, pet. You’re fine. This isn’t real. Now breathe for me.”
Iknow I’m going to get in a load of shit for breaking character, but if I hadn’t, she’d have passed out. The beautiful thing shaking in a ball in front of me is not cut out for this. What kind of friends does she have that they’d leave her here?
Her breathing has calmed, but I need to get her out. I want to pick her up, to carry her, but the last thing I need is to scare her more.
“We need to get you out of here before the next group passes through,” I explain.
She looks up with wide eyes. Her brown skin is tear-stained and ashen. She’s lost all the spark from earlier.
I was drawn to her immediately. Seeing her in a crowd looking around, the worry plain as day on her face. I wanted to play, see what she did if I scared her a little. The reaction I got was more than I expected.
The sound of people grows closer, and I don’t think, I just move. Scooping her into my arms quickly, I stand to full height, hiding her behind one of the false walls.
“Stay. Let me get these people moving on, and I’ll get you out of here. Okay?”
She nods, keeping her knees pulled to her chest.
I hurry to my position, waiting and watching as the last person moves ahead. I plunge into the room with a thud and get the usual jumps before people fight the urge to turn around to see what the sound was.
Lacey gets into position to freak them out as they leave the building, and I can’t get back to my little pet fast enough.
She’s still shaking, curling in on herself.
Fuck, it’s too cold.
I hurry to find my phone hidden somewhere in the layers of fabric that is my costume. I press the number to one of the other spark actors, asking them to get in here and fast. Someone responds, and I get my freezing bundle out of there as quickly as my boots will carry me.
Her skin is freezing. I have to warm her up. I find the most secluded area I can behind the haunted houses. Ripping my jacket from my body, I then drape it around her. The food stands have hot chocolate, but I don’t want to go and risk her leaving. So I will have to rely on my body heat.
Taking a seat on the ground, I prop myself against a tree with her in my lap. I feel the chill ease from her body as she starts to loosen from her tight, balled-up position.
“I’ve got you. Don’t worry.” At my words, she relaxes into my grip. “That’s it, deep breaths.”
I breathe with her, and the scent fills me with longing. She smells of eucalyptus and rain. Like the new air that blows in before a downpour, reminding me of a world outside of these dark walls. But what will happen when I have to leave her behind in this desert? Whatever this is, whatever feelings are overwhelming me, I won’t be able to take with me. I have tonight to explore them with her, then tomorrow, it’s back on the road, moving on to the next town.
The chill continues to leave her skin, and her breathing begins to calm.
“That’s great. Keep it up.” I whisper to her softly, trying to be as encouraging as I can.
She replies with soft grunts and whimpers. Her eyes flutter open, and I have the overwhelming urge to pull her closer, protect her better.
But I can’t do that. I can’t hide her away in these shadows. Her eyes shut again. She’s still chilly to the touch, but there is no way in hell I’m leaving her here. I fish my phone back out of my pocket and send a quick text to one of my buds at the snack stand to bring me the biggest hot cocoa they’ve got.
I don’t know a thing about this woman, but a couple quick looks and I’m suddenly a mother hen? This makes no fucking sense.
“Hey man, here’s that cocoa.”
She flinches in my grasp, and my head snaps to the shadowy outline holding out the black paper cup. I reach out and take it quickly.
“Thanks, man. Now fuck off,” I tell him coldly.
My attention goes back to my sweet pet. The smell of chocolate surrounds us like a cloud. Her eyes open again, bright with excitement. I find the strength to move her from my lap, placing her next to me before passing her the drink.