Page 14 of Obsession
He pushed further inside of me, lifting my body with the hand embedded in my pussy, making all of the soreness come to the forefront of my mind. “You think Cap gives a fuck about you?” he growled. “He doesn’t. He’s passing you around like a toy, and when he’s done with you, he’s going to exchan -” Tor cut himself off. “He’s going to get rid of you, replace you. And then,” Tor bit gently into my lip and smiled. “I’m going to have you all to myself. I’m going to claim you, and you’re going to be mine.” His fingers moved slowly, teasing me, causing a warble to escape my lips. “And when that happens, Alena, do you want me to think of all the times you were loyal to me, and gave me what I wanted, or do you want me to remember that you were always loyal to Cap, even when he thought of you as nothing more than a whore?”
My eyes began to water. I could barely breathe with Tor on top of me like this, his eyes hungry and burning through me, four fingers stretching my sore, sore pussy out. “Tor,” I whimpered weakly. “I don’t want... to… do anything bad, I just want to… be good.”
I had wanted to say “obey,” but I didn’t want Tor to attack me for wanting such a thing.
He pushed his hand deep inside of me and I closed my eyes, whimpering. It wouldn’t have hurt – I was so broken in and wet that I could take something that big without problem – except that I was already so sore.
Tor didn’t say anything, just continued pushing and making me whimper, until I opened my eyes.
“Yeah,” he said, his voice like acid. “You want to be good. For Cap. But you weren’t good for Cap, Alena. You were very bad. And now you’re going to be bad for Tor. It seems like you would be better off...” he pushed deep into my pussy with nearly his whole hand. “Letting Capthinkyou’ve been good, andactuallybeing good for the man who is going to claim you.” He pulled his hand slowly from inside my pussy, and brought it to his nose to smell it before he plunged two fingers coated in my own juices and forced them into my mouth. I sucked on them, knowing that’s what he wanted.
He watched me, his eyes full of something I didn’t fully understand and didn’t trust. He moved his fingers in and out of my closed lips, slowly, just the tips, before growling: “One day Cap is going to toss you aside, and when he does, I am going to claim you. You had better start thinking about your long-term future. I am going to be your mate and husband. I’d think about that, when you go back to Cap. I’d think about that, before you disobeyme.”
He pulled his fingers from my lips and looked at me. I was sure he was going to try to take me again, and my body was already reacting to it, when the series of beeps at the door shook us both from our stupors.
“Saved by the bell,” he whispered, drawing his lips over mine. “For now.”
Black ended up picking me up to carry me back to Rhys’s quarters. I walked a few steps down the corridor, gingerly, trying not to move the phallus, which Tor had replaced with Black watching, inside of me too much, or reawaken the soreness in my pussy. Tor’s words had struck a chill in my chest, and I was afraid to say anything to Black that might give away… well,anythingthat was happening with Tor.
Black swooped me up without asking and without me expecting it, but as soon as I was resting in his arms, it felt so right and good that I reached up and put my arms around him, resting my head against his chest. I may not have known what to do about Tor, or whether or not to hedge my bets for when Rhys eventually tossed me to the wolves, but I did know what to do around Black. I at least knew Black was not up to anything he wasn’t telling me about, and he was too good-humored to be dark like Rhys or Tor.
I was so exhausted from the day’s ordeals, but also from thinking about these complex social relationships that I didn’t at all understand, that I began to doze after a few steady steps in Black’s arms. “I’m so tired,” I murmured.
I felt a ripple travel through Black’s body, and his muscles tensed. “I told Cap not to give you to him today,” he hissed, his breath traveling over my ear. Usually this gave me goosebumps all along my spine, but I was too tired to have the reaction I normally did.
In the short time it took to get to Rhys quarters, I must have dozed off. I awoke to the sounds of Rhys and Black talking, Black’s voice vibrating against my face through his chest. He was still holding me in his arms.
“… telling you that you need to make a decision about this,” Black was saying. His muscles were tense. I could feel them straining beneath my hands and my arms. I opened my eyes and surveyed the scene, noting that we were in Rhys’s quarters. I was so tired that I didn’t want to give away that I was awake, as much as I did, deep down inside, want the comfort of Rhys’s ritual when I was returned to him.
“Put her on the bed,” Rhys said, after a long pause.
“Are you going to -”
“I’ll deal with it.”
Black’s muscles tensed beneath his skin again, and he pulled me more tightly to him before walking with me over to the bed. He set me down gently, and I feigned sleep as he pulled the cover over me and pressed his lips to my forehead.
My heart started racing again, almost like it had with Tor. This came from a different place, a different emotion, but it was just as invigorating. Keeping my eyes closed and feigning sleep seemed suddenly so much more difficult. My hands ached to touch Black, to catch his hand and pull him back into bed with me – not for sex. Just because I liked the way he held me.
“She’s barely able to walk, Cap,” I heard Black say. “So go easy on her.”
I was so tempted to open my eyes to look at Rhys that I had to force myself to concentrate solely on that effort. I wanted to squeeze them closed, but that, too, would give me away.
Rhys didn’t say anything to this, but I imagined that he gave Black the sort of look Rhys gave to all of his men. The look that made them simply shut up and do whatever Rhys wanted. The door hissed open, and I heard Black’s footsteps walking away before the sound of the door closing.
As soon as the door closed, my heart began to race so fast that I knew it was hopeless to pretend that I was asleep. Rhys had power over me as much as he had power over the men on this ship, even if it was a different kind. When I sensed his body close to the bed I opened my eyes and rolled onto my back to meet his gaze.
He sat down on the bed, next to me, and brushed my hair from my face tenderly. His hand continued after the sweep of my hair, down to my jaw, over my throat, to the hem of the silky robe that barely covered me, tugging the material away to open it. His fingers traveled slowly, making little swirls with the most feathery touch. I never knew where he would stop, what part of my body he would circle around to, his touch changing from teasing to insistent in a heartbeat.
His fingertips paused on my right nipple, making a lazy circle on the soft skin of my aureole. I felt a rush of blood to the nub; it had risen to a rubbery firmness instantly, as though at his command. And just like that – just like always – I was under his control, my body responding exactly as he wanted it to.
My pussy throbbed. I was awake again, craving Rhys’s touch. But first he would do what he always did, and then he would ask me to tell him the truth about whatIhad done. And if I told him, I was going to be spanked. Just the thought of it made my skin burn as if someone had swatted me.
At least the ache between my legs had returned.