Page 3 of Kissed By Kringle
Chase huffed a laugh. “I doubt it. Haley is all sugar and no spice.”
My phone buzzed with a notification in my back pocket. I fished it out and checked the screen to find I’d received a dating app message.
“Whoa, hold up a goddamn minute,” Chase said. “Did my baby sister actually join Fun & Flirty?”
I clutched my phone to my chest.
“Can’t you poke your nose into somebody else’s business for once instead of mine?”
“Ha! I was right! Youweretexting a boy earlier!”
“You’re such a child.”
Chase feigned a sniffle. “My little sister is finally growing up.” He leaned forward to look at Theo. “Did you hear that, Theo? Baby Haley Talbot has bagged herself a man. Finally.”
I could kill him. With my bare hands. Why did he have to point it out publicly? And in front of Theo, no less?
“Ignore him,” I said to Theo. “Please.”
Theo chuckled. “I always do.”
“Hey,” Chase protested. “I’m being supportive here.”
“You’re being a pest,” Theo countered.
I turned and stared up at Theo in admiration. He slid a sideways glance in my direction with a small, private smile just for me.
“Who’s side are you on anyway?” Chase protested good-naturedly.
“Right now, I’m on Team Haley, so she can read her private message in peace.”
Chase huffed and pretended to sulk, leaning his head against the window.
“Fine. Leave your big brother out.”
I smiled to myself and ducked my head, sheltering my phone in my hands so I could read the screen without Chase peeking. But my excitement vanished as soon as I saw the message. I deleted it with a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” Theo asked, his voice tense with concern.
“Oh, it’s just…”
I shrugged and let the sentence trail off. I’d reached out to a few people but I’d been turned down repeatedly. The only matches who responded sent me…picturesI didn’t want to see and lewd texts that made me feel like I wanted to scrub my skin with a toilet brush. Why was dirty talk in romance novels so much sexier?
Theo hit the brakes. The truck skidded a few feet then came to a stop. He shifted to look at me.
“What is it? Did someone upset you?”
I raised my eyebrows at the sharp edge in Theo’s voice. He was usually so easy-going and friendly. I’d never heard him sound like this before.
“Hey,” Chase said, his voice taking on a firm, no-nonsense note as well. When I turned to look at him, he regarded me with a steady look and not a hint of teasing. “Dating apps can be…difficult to navigate sometimes. There are some sleazy people out there. You’re a smart girl, Haley. Don’t get yourself into a bad situation for a guy, all right?”
I blinked with surprise. I didn’t think either of them would have taken my dating efforts seriously, and yet here they were, giving me advice and looking out for me.
“I…I haven’t made any matches yet,” I said. “It’s just…I get…pictures. That I don’t…want. And I guess it should be flattering but it doesn’t feel that way.”
“Dick pics,” Theo said, his voice just shy of a growl. “And you didn’t ask for them?”
I shook my head. He held out his hand.