Page 8 of Kissed By Kringle
I sat in my room now, spending quality time with my books. But I hadn’t read a single word in over an hour. My gaze kept sliding away from the page, thinking of Theo and his hand clutching mine.
My room overlooked the backyard, where Theo and Chase were playing with my niece and nephew. Brenda was a lanky nine-year-old with long legs and an uncanny knack for building things - model airplanes, cars, tanks, dollhouses. Johnny was only six years old, with chubby red cheeks and an eager willingness to give out hugs to anyone who would let him.
Since my room was half hidden by the thick boughs of a pine tree, dusted with snow, I was afforded a clear view of the yard without immediately being seen.
Theo piled little Johnny into a sled and pulled him around at high speed until Johnny’s face was flushed from the cold and he wheezed with laughter.
Chase engaged Brenda in a snowball fight where he was brutally annihilated and she tackled him into a snow drift.
I closed my book and hugged it against my chest with a small smile.
Pick a really good guy to be your first kiss, okay? Don’t just grab any dude who’s willing to give you a little tongue.
The memory of Theo’s words sent heat rushing into my cheeks. Everyone knew I loved a good spicy romance. The concept of a kiss with tongue was so tame compared to some of the things I’d read between the seemingly innocuous, slim little paperbacks I checked out from the library or discovered on the shelf of the bookstore back in Holly Hollow.
But when Theo whispered it in my ear, with that rough grit in his voice, it had flustered me more than anything I’d ever read before.
Chase and Theo disappeared from view, heading for the house, with my niece and nephew chasing after them, fumbling through the snow. A few moments later, the thunder of boots on the hardwood floor signaled the entourage had entered the cabin.
My phone pinged with a notification, lying on the bed next to me. I picked it up to see a message - no picture attached this time, thankfully.
I’d been exchanging messages with this one guy - Brendan - for a little while. He seemed polite so far and our connection was good. He’d studied English Literature at Stanford and now worked as a freelance journalist, hopping from place to place. He was cute, too. His profile picture showed a studious man in a brown turtleneck with wavy golden hair and fitted black trousers.
Not like…Theo-level cute. I doubted anyone would be able to compare to my first crush that I’d harbored for ten years of my life. But I could see myself visiting a coffee shop with Brendan, discussing his latest article, or swapping book titles…
I smiled to myself as I read his message:
Is your big family driving you crazy yet? I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. I’m traveling for work over the holidays. My family is scattered everywhere and we barely stay in touch these days. Do you think you could send me a little kiss since I won’t be able to meet you under the mistletoe?
An impatient, sharp knock came at the door then Chase shoved it open.
“Hey. Want some hot chocolate?”
“You’re supposed to knock and then wait for a response before opening the door,” I said, typing back a response to Brendan.
“Okay, cool, I’ll totally forget that by the time I knock on your door again. Hot chocolate - yes or no?”
“With extra marshmallows please,” I replied with a nod.
Chase inched further into my room, peering at my phone.
“You’re smiling. Who are you smiling at?”
I shoved my phone under my pillow.
“It’s just a guy. We’ve been talking a little bit.”
“What’s his name? Let me see him. Is he ugly? With a wart on his face?”
“Chase, give it a rest,” I said, laughing. “We’ve texted maybe a handful of times. That’s it. It’s nothing serious yet.”
He puffed out his chest. “Do you need me to handle some dick pics for you?”
“Maybe I asked for one this time.”
It was a big, fat bluff. But it worked. Chase balked and backed out of the room.
“On that note, I make my exit. One hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, coming right up!”