Page 4 of Santa's Curvy Baby
While all the other kids had clamored to get their hands on a firefighter’s helmet, I gave her mine. It was so big on her that Haley’s head wobbled. Then she’d peeked out from under the brim with a smile that melted my heart on the spot.
Haley was all grown up now and working at the local library. She still had the same big brown eyes, but she carried herself with the confidence of adulthood.How old was she now?I wondered. I ran through a quick calculation in my head…
Twenty-one, I realized. She had to be twenty-one, or somewhere close to that.
I blew out a breath of surprise and shook my head. Time was slipping by too fast and I didn’t like it. I’d always thought I’d have a wife and kids by the time I was this age, but I was still running the same routine at the firehouse, living a bachelor’s life at my apartment.
Haley spoke, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Are you still planning to visit the library and give your annual firefighter demonstration for the kids?”
I smiled and slung an arm around Haley’s shoulder.
“You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Those kids are the future of Holly Hollow. I’m sure a few of them are bound to follow in my footsteps and look after the firehouse when I’m gone.”
Haley wrinkled her nose. “The only way you’re leaving that firehouse is if we pry you out of it when you’re old and gray.”
I chuckled, brushing a kiss to her temple.
“You know me too well.”
Even though we weren’t related, I’d harbored a sweet spot for Haley ever since that day we met on her field trip. We were complete opposites in every respect - she was quiet and bookish, I was boisterous and on the move. And yet, there was something about Haley that made me take her under my wing. Maybe it was her sweet demeanor, making me wish for a daughter of my own.
“Are you hungry?” I asked. “We could grab something to eat.”
“There are these delicious popovers on the corner,” Haley replied. “You have to try them.”
She took my hand, hauling me down the street. After sharing half a dozen fresh, hot popovers between us, steam rising from the soft dough in the cold air, the sparkle of a jewelry vendor caught my eye. I still hadn’t found a gift for Rosie yet. I didn’t even know what she would like.
“Hey. Haley?”
She made a noise of acknowledgement and glanced at me as she bit into her popover.
“Could you help me with something?” I asked.
She swallowed her bite of food and nodded. “Sure. What is it?”
“There’s this lady at work. Really pretty. Smart, dedicated, fiery personality.”
Haley hummed. “And you like her.”
I nodded. “A lot. I want to get her something nice for Christmas. Something that will impress her and show how serious I am about her. Do you think you could help me with that?”
Haley finished off the last of her popover and dusted her hands on her jeans.
“Well, I’m looking after the library booth in an hour. But we can totally find the perfect gift before then. Did you have something in mind?”
“Classy. Elegant.” I thought of the cranberry red sweater Rosie wore, made from the softest cashmere. “And red, if possible.”
She nodded. “Gotcha. We can work with that.”
Haley and I fanned out, searching both sides of the street for a gift.
“What about these?” Haley suggested.
She held up a box of specialty chocolates. Judging by the price tag, they must have been dipped in gold. That could work, I thought, but was it special enough to get Rosie’s attention?
Then I caught a glimpse of the booth behind Haley. It was full of lace and silk, garters and straps.