Page 34 of Misfit
“That’s wild,” Hiro whispered, waving his hand in the air but coming up with nothing stopping him again. “What’s back here? I didn’t think there was any more to the floor.”
“I don’t know,” I said. “We can’t find out. But we think Vane is in there.”
The human paled and rushed out, almost knocking Drake over in the process. Drake grabbed him and squeezed him to his side, calming the freakout with a touch.
“We need those blueprints,” Drake said. “Let’s go.”
Ten minutes later and we had a workspace set up in the common room. Drake tapped away at his laptop before hitting a button. Something whirred to life behind the nurses’ station, and he went back, coming in with a stack of papers.
“I don’t know how we didn’t see this before, compare the fourth floor, the second floor, and this one.” He set them side by side and it was obvious what was wrong the moment I compared them.
“An entire wing is gone.”
“They blocked it off from the start,” he confirmed.
“What was here before our floor?” Harlow asked. “Was it open at one time?”
“It was patient rooms like it is now, and there were staff quarters on this side. I assumed they just renovated,” Drake admitted.
“They did, just in a shady way,” she countered with a sigh. “And if only Hiro and I can go in, that means we have to be the ones to confront Vane.”
“No, absolutely fucking not,” Drake growled. “You aren’t going in there.”
“We have weapons and no choice,” she argued.
“I won’t allow it,” Monty said. His shadows were floating out around him as he fought too.
“It’s far too dangerous. We can’t protect you in there. You could die and if Hel wants you this bad? That’s not a good thing for the world.” I tried to reason with her but from the firm set of her jaw, she had it all planned out already.
“It has to be this way. Do we really want him lurking back there, not knowing what he’s doing?” she argued.
“Hiro?” Drake asked, rushing forward as the boy almost fell face-first into the table. He steadied him in a seat but he was no longer truly there. His eyes were vacant and hollow for a moment before they refocused. His features seemed to harden as the other version of the human came out. They were fascinating but now was not the time to appreciate it.
“Roman,” he corrected. “What the hell did I miss?” Harlow caught him up and the spark of determination in his eyes meant he was on her side already.
“I can protect her. I’ve proven myself already,” Roman said to Drake. Drake nodded at that but paced, hands tearing at his hair.
“I don’t fucking like this. Two humans, even if they’re badasses, aren’t a match for a whole fucking floor of demons. Especially demons who have proven they want you captured. If they take you, we won’t be able to reach you,” Drake said desperately, holding Harlow on either side of her arms and forcing her to hear him. “We could lose you forever.”
“If we don’t go, you will anyway. I have no answers from Hel or this fucking adviser, no way to move forward, and no clue what the fuck to do. I need to do this, Drake. No one else can do it for me,” she argued.
Shadows filled the space as they argued; Monty ready to whisk her away but she stepped away.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Monty. You guys can’t lock me away anymore. We have to do something. Kol. Tell them. I see you guys fighting every fucking time I look outside,” she begged.
“They haven’t gotten through yet,” I said. “But the attempts are increasing. We have no rest,” I said.
“How are you okay with this?” Ivar asked.
“Because gargoyles aren’t led by emotions. She’s right, it’s the logical choice,” I said. “And she’s not going alone.”
“No, I’m going with her. We’re going to fucking find something to give us the upper hand. If not, I’ll at least have this fucking monster’s blood on my hands. That should be enough of a win for you guys,” Roman said. For a human, he was similar to the gargoyles. He was commanding when he spoke, to the point and never holding back his opinion.
“See, there’s no other choice,” she said, quieter this time. “I need you to trust me.”
“Trust has no place in this conversation,” Ivar said vehemently. “This is not going to fucking happen. I will take you away if I have to.”
“You can’t leave Roman to face this alone,” she argued. “I wouldn’t forgive you if he died alone.” It was harsh, but she was desperate. Her eyes found mine and for the first time in our forming bond, I had clarity, knew what she needed. Walking up, I placed a hand on her cheek. When her pretty green eyes met mine, I rested my forehead on hers.