Page 60 of Misfit
“I’ll get him back,” I promised. “You won’t command anything, then. You’ll be dead, slaughtered by my hand.”
Gravik lifted his hand which had me rising in the air before slamming me to the ground in front of them.
“You won’t get the chance. You’ll watch us kill your men, one by one. Just as powerless as your supposed savior.”
Askaal stretched his hand out, palm up. A double-sided sword appeared and it was long and thick, the blade curving slightly before ending in a deadly point. It gleamed in the light of the blue fires. What wasn’t covered in dried blood, at least.
Again, Gravik moved his hand, shifting me around like a puppet so I was facing Roman. My heart stopped in my chest. Tears were streaming down my face as I openly sobbed.
“No!” I screamed. “Get the fuck away from him, don’t you dare!” My voice broke as I yelled but I couldn’t stop.
“I’ll give you a reason to want to die, right now. I see three very good reasons right here. Or should I make that four?” the warden taunted as he trailed the tip of his blade over Roman’s face. Blood spilled from his cheek, soaking into his shirt. It wasn’t enough to kill him yet, but enough to make him weak.
Roman’s eyes locked onto mine and the rest of the world fell away.
“I love you, Harlow. Thank you for giving me and Hiro the life we deserved.” My heart shattered into pieces and my sobs turned into wails. He was crying too. My strong, protective boyfriend knew this was it for us.
We’d given our entire heart and soul to each other within these walls, and now it would be our grave.
“I love you too, Roman.” My voice shook so much it was almost hard to understand but the smile he gave me would haunt me for however long I had left to live.
“Oh, how touching,” the warden said before he slammed the blade forward, cutting straight into Roman’s chest.
My scream tore through me. It was feral and raw, my voice breaking as I continued to yell, unable to stop myself. I’d never known true pain until now.
Just moments ago I had everything to live for and now I would have to watch that everything be yanked away before I died, sacrificing myself for someone I didn’t even care about.
Hel didn’t deserve what I had to offer.
She deserved to rot for this. Suffering for eternity.
And I would suffer too. If I survived somehow as she promised, if this wasn’t the end… how would I live without them?
“Don’t you dare blame yourself for this, Harlow.” Even Drake’s voice was filled with emotion, anger and tears warring within it. “I fucking love you, and this won’t be the end.”
There was no time for me to answer as Askaal stepped forward.
“I guess we have our next volunteer.” He was in front of Drake before I could even blink. I was shifted closer again, forced to watch as he slid the blade across his throat so his head fell back at a sickening angle. The wound didn’t bleed like Roman’s, he simply turned to ash the moment his life was taken.
His humanity was officially gone. Would he even be reborn?
My screams turned into haunting wails. I was cold and hot at the same time, my heart so shattered it felt like someone had cracked open my chest and ripped my heart straight from it.
Kol’s roar of anger was so intense I was shocked the other gargoyles hadn’t joined us. Though seeing the power displayed from our two tormentors, I doubted anyone could hear what was happening but us. They were monsters, not careless.
There was no fanfare as he walked to Kol. I hoped against hope that the blade wouldn’t be able to cut through his thick skin.
But that thought was short-lived.
Askaal met my gaze as he sliced off Kol’s wings, one by one. The horrifying roars from Kol were hard to hear. But the moment he slammed the blade into Kol’s chest, he took the last of my men from me, breaking me forever.
Just as the demons, my gargoyle was nothing but dust.
There was no coming back from this. Even if I survived, I wouldn’t go on without them. This memory would haunt me until the end of my life.
“Unbind her,” the warden commanded Gravik. The weight lifted off of me, and I could move again. Instead of fighting, I ran toward Roman, the only body that remained. He was slumped to the ground in a bloody heap. I rolled him over, crying harder at the sight of life completely drained from his eyes.
“No,” I sobbed as I pulled him into my arms, holding him close and whispering all the things he’d never get the chance to hear. “I’m so sorry, Roman, you and Hiro deserved so much better than this. It’s my fault, I should have run away, kept this from getting this far.”