Page 51 of The Naughty List
He shakes his head. “I already did my socializing for this year and the next. I made it twelve whole minutes, by the way.”
“And look! You’re still alive. It’s a Christmas miracle!”
Bishop is trying to glare at me, but it’s not working. The left corner of his lips pulls up into the smallest little smirk. I’m instantly addicted to bringing more of that out of him.
“What are you still doing here?” he asks, changing the subject.
“My job,” I answer with a smile.
He scoffs, but that smirk is still there.
“Everyone else is gone.”
“Except you,” I counter.
“I’m always the last to leave, remember?”
“Ah, yes. The rules.”
He nods.
“Besides,” Bishop continues, “I’m sure you have dinner plans with friends. Perhaps a boyfriend?”
His voice is raspy at the end, and I can hardly believe what he’s asking. Is Bishop Castillo, millionaire businessman and hottest creature to ever walk the face of the earth… jealous? Of me? No way.
“No plans,” I say with a shake of my head. “Unless you want to go to dinner with me?”
Ohmygod. Why did I say that?My brain must have short-circuited, the words bypassing my filter completely.
The almost friendly look on Bishop’s face is quickly replaced with a frown.
“I’ve already broken enough rules today,” he answers, his tone final.
“Right,” I whisper, my face undoubtedly redder than Rudolph’s nose. I tip my head down, hiding my embarrassment. What the heck was I thinking? Did I really just ask my boss out on a date? “I’ll just… I’ll get my stuff and get out of your hair,” I rush to say, nearly tripping over my own feet to get away from him.
“Harlow,” he calls out after me.
I grab my coat and purse, walking as fast as my feet will carry me in these elf slippers. “I’m good!” I say in a far too cheerful voice. Pounding the elevator button seventy times in rapid succession isn’t going to make the dang thing show up any faster, but tell that to my rattled brain. “See you later!” I keep babbling as the doors open.
As soon as I’m alone in the elevator, I slump against the back wall, holding my head in my hands. What an idiot. I can’t believe I just threw myself at him like that.
Maybe it’s not so bad, I try to reason. Maybe I can brush it off and explain that the invite was for a professional meeting.
Oh, who am I kidding? I just made a fool out of myself in front of the only man I’ve ever fallen head over heels for. I really am going to need a Christmas miracle to make it through the rest of this temp job.
Itake a deep breath and roll out my shoulders before stepping onto my private elevator. Everything is sore and hollow, and I’ve been sleeping like shit for days now. That’s why I’ve been extra short-tempered lately.
At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself. Truthfully, I know the exact source of my issues. A curvy, black-haired, caramel-eyed goddess named Harlow Pierce.
Our last real conversation was three days ago when I basically kicked her out of my office for inviting me to dinner. My response was automatic. I’ve turned down similar offers from employees and board members for years. But Harlow isn’t just another employee.
As soon as I told her no, I saw the light drain from her eyes. A sharp pain threaded through my goddamn soul when she folded in on herself. She looked at me the same way she looked at her father on her first day, which nearly killed me.
I could see the longing for approval and acceptance she never had growing up and shame and embarrassment for daring to ask for what she wanted.