Page 18 of Dante Beretta
I should have followed her home.
I should have asked her if what was racing through my mind was true.
I should have done a lot of things.
But instead, I’d gotten into my car and driven back to the mansion, trying to piece things together. Trying to figure out how long ago it was since I’d seen the face that was etched into my memory.
The girl who’d made me feel things I’d never felt before—never thought possible.
The girl who I’d spent one night with.
The girl who disappeared into thin air without a trace.
The girl who I was beginning to think was a figment of my imagination.
I scrubbed my hand down my face, staring out of the window and into the darkness while I soaked in the information that Remy had found so far.
Agent Peters.
She was his daughter. A daughter that still lived at home. A daughter that attended the local high school. A daughter who was only eighteen.
Fuck. I was ten years older than her. An entire goddamn decade. Yet…it hadn’t felt like it on that night.
For the first time in my life, I didn’t know what to do. All I knew was I needed to see her again. I needed to know if my brain was putting two and two together and making twenty. So here I was, sitting in my car that was parked on her road while waiting for her dad to leave the house.
I’d been like this for two days, waiting and watching, biding my time for when I could finally get her alone and find out the answers to all of my questions.
Was she a spy for her dad? Had she come there that night to do his dirty work for him? Or was it a pure accident that an FBI agent’s daughter ended up in the apartment of a Mafia man?
But all of that was only the tip of the iceberg. I knew the real reason I was here. I knew it in my gut, but I needed confirmation.I needed to know the truth.
My cell buzzed in my pocket, but I didn’t make a move to pull it out. Nothing was more important than this right now. I’d only been home a couple of weeks, and already I’d slipped right back into the family as if I hadn’t been gone for seven months.
It was different now, more streamlined, a focus for the goal ahead that we’d never really had before. And now that Remy had moved here with me, it was only a matter of time until I made my mark. Lorenzo still didn’t know about him, but I’d tell him soon enough…as soon as I figured this out.
For now, Remy was finding everything out about Agent Peters and his daughter that he could. I needed to know all of the ins and outs. I needed to know the background. I needed…I needed her dad to leave the fuckin’ house so I could get in there.
I rolled my neck from side to side and shuffled a little lower in my seat. My ass was getting dead from having been sitting here for so long, but still, I didn’t move from my spot. I’d waited long enough, so I wasn’t giving up yet. He had to leave the house sooner or later.
My eyes felt heavy, my stomach rumbling, demanding food. Maybe I could have done a quick run to get some takeout and then come back, but as soon as I started to sit higher in my seat, their front door opened and her dad appeared, his FBI jacket firmly on his shoulders.
He was going out on a job, which meant I’d have time to get in there and get some real answers.
His headlights beamed ahead as he drove away from his house and in the opposite direction. I waited for a few minutes, needing to be sure that he was gone, then shot off a text to Remy to keep track of his car. I didn’t need him showing back up out of the blue. He’d warned me once, and I wasn’t stupid enough to cross him…yet.
Inhaling a deep breath, I stretched out my fingers, trying to loosen up, then got out of my car. It wasn’t one of the usual SUVs because I knew I’d be spotted within minutes in one of those. I needed to go incognito, so I’d dragged out the car I always drove before I left—my matte black Impala.
Each step I took toward the house felt like it didn’t get me any closer, but finally I was outside the front door, my hand lifting as I knocked. The lights were off, no sound coming from inside. I knew she was in there because I’d spotted her in one of the windows only an hour ago.
I knocked again, waiting for what felt like forever, but when she didn’t answer, I decided to take matters into my own hands and look around the back. The gate to the backyard was locked, but that didn’t stop me hopping over it and scanning the windows around the back of the house.
One light was on upstairs, the window wide open with the material of her curtain blowing out of it and hitting the brick wall on the outside. I couldn’t hear anything coming from up there, but a quick scan of the wall and the roof of what looked like an extension below told me that I could get up there easily.
Pacing back a few steps, I took a running jump and threw myself at the wall, grabbing on to a downpipe to hold me there as I climbed my way onto the roof below her window. I was a weird mixture of relieved and angry—relieved that I could get to her, and angry that she wasn’t thinking about the fact that anyone else could get to her too.